Issue - meetings

Additional Restrictions Grant Monitoring

Meeting: 22/03/2022 - Economic Development Committee (Item 18)

18 Additional Restrictions Grant Monitoring pdf icon PDF 201 KB

The purpose of this report is to provide a written update with regards to the utilisation of the Additional Restrictions Grant (ARG).


The Additional Restrictions Grants (ARG) were due to end on 31 March 2022, with any awarded grants needing to be paid to recipients by this time.  Officers were confident that there would be very little ARG funding remaining at the deadline due to the number of businesses applying for grants.


Businesses had been provided with a comprehensive range of support including training, improvements to shopfronts and equipment.  Grants aimed to ensure that businesses were able to develop their offerings and be in a position to recover strongly now that Covid-19 related restrictions were being relaxed.  Small businesses had been the primary recipients of grant funding, although some larger businesses had also benefited.


Details about a Shared Prosperity Fund were expected to be made available by the government later in the year.


The Committee thanked the officers involved in ensuring that grants reached the borough’s businesses.


The Committee noted the report.