10 Bonfires and Anti-Bonfire Campaign PDF 1 MB
To receive and note an update on the digital campaign and review of the Council’s stance and processes on bonfires.
The Committee considered a report setting out the action taken to promote awareness of the hazards posed by bonfires both to people’s health and the environment. As it was not possible to ban bonfires, a campaign to discourage residents and businesses from having bonfires was launched using the following approaches:
· An article in the borough Bulletin which explained the risks of bonfires, suggested alternative means of properly disposing of waste, and provided information on how to report bonfires
· A social media campaign using strong graphics to promote the anti-bonfire message
· A revision of the Council’s bonfire and smoke webpage to give a stronger anti-bonfire message.
The Senior Environmental Health Manager advised that the number of complaints had increased significantly over the Covid period and it would be necessary to see whether these continued at the same level or reduced. It was agreed to share any meaningful statistics obtained with the Committee.
Alternative options considered and rejected:
To note the anti-bonfire campaign currently running.
Reason for decision:
The anti-bonfire campaign has a direct positive impact on climate change since a reduction in bonfires will directly lead to a reduction in carbon dioxide being released into the atmosphere.