Issue - meetings

Revenue Growth and Savings Bids 2022/23 (part of annual budget process)

Meeting: 01/02/2022 - Community Wellbeing and Housing Committee (Item 6)

6 Revenue Growth and Savings Bids 2022/23 (part of annual budget process) pdf icon PDF 182 KB

To review revenue growth bids and proposed savings for the Committee’s areas of responsibility.

Additional documents:


The Committee noted the proposed revenue growth and savings bids. 


The Committee were advised that the two items originally highlighted as savings totalling £19,500 had been withdrawn and replaced with three other possible areas to make savings as follows:-


1.    £57,000 –  Benwell Community Centre

2.    £50,000 -   Shorthold tenancy scheme

3.    £50,000 -   Grants budget


The Committee resolved to:


1     change one item from Green (to commence in 2022/23) to Amber (could be deferred to 2023/24) on the Revenue Growth paper and;

2.    to note and agree that the revised savings be recommended to the Corporate and Resources Committee for consideration if required to balance the overall Budget.