Issue - meetings

Expectations on Developer Consultations for Significant Pre-Application Planning Proposals

Meeting: 14/03/2022 - Corporate Policy and Resources Committee (Item 40)

40 Expectations on Developer Consultations for Significant Pre-Application Planning Proposals pdf icon PDF 200 KB

The report sets out the process to encourage developers to consult with the community at an early stage in the pre-application process.  The report also details the roles of members and the process around formal briefings.

Additional documents:


The proposals aimed to encourage better quality consultation with residents and businesses on larger or more sensitive planning applications.  Whilst developers were not obliged to undertake any of the processes set out within the document, the Committee welcomed the introduction of a framework through which consultation could take place.  It was noted that the proposed processes were the responsibility of developers and not Council officers.


The proposals, as set out in the report, were agreed.