Issue - meetings

Planning Progress Update

Meeting: 31/05/2022 - Shepperton Studios Community Liaison Group (Item 20)

Planning Progress Update

To receive an update on other planning matters.


Sara Dutfield, Turley, was invited to provide an overview of live and future planning applications. Live applications consisted of condition discharge applications across the site. Future Planning applications related to non-material amendments, amendments to a multi-storey car park on the Shepperton South site, a decked car park to the Shepperton North site, and relocations of phone masts. Sara clarified that the applications to relocate the phone masts would come from the operators themselves, and she acknowledged that there was another mast application, but this was not associated with the Studios.


Ken Snaith, Shepperton Residents Association, and David Furst, Laleham Residents Association, queried the plans for the decked car park and the amount of spaces it would provide. Matthew explained that the parameter plan gave heights that they were allowed to build to. The outline planning permission permitted the phased development of the expansion site, and that included future reserved matters planning applications for features such as a new North Car Park, or redevelopment of the existing studio buildings, for example. The planning permission stated that a minimum of 2,595 spaces needed to be provided, and the parking demand was assessed as part of the transport assessment.


Meeting: 23/02/2022 - Shepperton Studios Community Liaison Group (Item 9)

Planning Progress Update

To receive an update on other planning matters.


Sara Dutfield, Turley, was invited to provide a summary of live and future planning applications. There was one live planning application in relation to a construction compound with a decision due in March 2022. Future applications included non-material amendments regarding landscaping, door locations, and security barriers and booths. There were also amendments to the multi-storey car park application that included a potential reduction in height, and phone mast relocations, but this would be submitted by the mast operators.