To receive questions from members of the public.
The Chairman invited further questions from attendees.
Ken Snaith asked when the construction compound would be utilised. Matthew confirmed that it may be used for the storage of materials over summer.
Karen Howkins, Charlton Residents Association, queried the location that further development could take place. Matthew explained the plans showed the boundary put forward in the planning application, and he expected that further works would be done within the existing studio site to make more efficient use of the site and replace poor quality buildings.
To receive questions from members of the public.
The Chairman invited further questions from attendees.
David Furst asked about the play space enhancements that were being funded. Matthew Wright confirmed these locations were agreed as part of the Section 106 agreement and local residents were welcome to contribute ideas for their improvements.
Ken Snaith queried the use of the construction compound, and Matthew explained this would be used for storage of materials and not for portacabins. Ken also queried if the phone masts could be concealed amongst buildings, and Matthew explained this may have a negative effect on the
Matthew explained that once off-site highway schemes were agreed by Surrey County Council, an update on the dates of the works would be provided to all local Residents Associations and local councillors.
Councillor Attewell raised some issues on behalf of local residents and requested further information on opportunities for youth in the community.
Karen Howkins queried the amount of lorry movements and when the proposed traffic routing would start. Matthew explained that numbers of movements were being confirmed, and the local planning authority would need to approve the routing but it may be possible to adopt it in the short term.