Issue - meetings

Corporate Risk Management

Meeting: 27/09/2022 - Corporate Policy and Resources Committee (Item 95)

95 Corporate Risk Management pdf icon PDF 97 KB

To consider and note the significant strategic risks and issues highlighted in this report.

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The key risks highlighted in the risk register were presented to the committee.  The risk register had been recently reviewed by the Audit Committee.


Some of the risk mitigation measures utilised multiagency co-operation, such as with tenancy fraud where the Council shared information with partner organisations like A2Dominion.  There was discussion about Knowle Green Estates’ (KGE) business plan.  This would be considered at an upcoming Corporate Policy and Resources Committee, where the non-executive directors of KGE would be invited to attend.


The Committee expressed concerns about corporate capacity and some professional staff choosing to move on from their roles at Spelthorne.  Spelthorne’s staff turnover was not dissimilar to other local authorities.  Difficulty recruiting was in part due to its locality with larger, London Boroughs, who could afford more generous salaries.  Spelthorne had tried to mitigate this risk by providing a pleasant working environment for its staff.


There was further discussion about staffing budgets.  Some control measures had been introduced to account for the challenging financial situation faced by all local authorities; posts that had not been budgeted for could not be recruited to.  The committee challenged whether this arrangement could also apply to any vacant post that had been budgeted for.


It was confirmed that the scores given to each risk had had the mitigation measures factored in.  The Committee questioned whether they could be differentiated further, as whilst all were considered to be significant risks, some were less likely than others to occur.  It was further suggested that the financial impact of risks be noted next to each one and that reviewing the formal of the register should be reviewed.  The Committee also requested that chairs of service committees be kept up to date with the Council’s risk register.


The Committee noted the significant strategic risks and issues highlighted in the report and Corporate Risk Register, and provided the following feedback to the Audit Committee:


1.    That the Audit Committee review its risk monitoring and reporting structure at its meeting on 22 November 2022, with a view to reporting back to the Corporate Policy and Resources Committee on 28 November 2022.

2.    That the reference, in the risk register, to delays in political decision making be urgently reviewed as the Committee did not feel that this was appropriate.

Meeting: 12/09/2022 - Corporate Policy and Resources Committee (Item 6.)

6. Corporate Risk Management pdf icon PDF 97 KB

To consider and note the significant strategic risks and issues highlighted in this report.

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Meeting: 28/07/2022 - Audit Committee (Item 19)

19 Corporate Risk Management pdf icon PDF 250 KB

To note the report by the Internal Audit Manager and make recommendations as appropriate to the Corporate Policy and Resources Committee.


Additional documents:


The Internal Audit Manager presented the Committee with a report on the Corporate Risk Management that sought consideration of the significant strategic risks and issues highlighted in the report and the approval to present these to the Corporate Policy & Resources Committee.


Concerns were raised by the Committee about the lack of reference to equality, diversity and inclusion on the Corporate Risk Register. This was considered an important strategic risk category. Members asked that this be put on the register under the ownership of the Head of Paid Services. Issues surrounding the recruitment and retention of staff were also raised and the Chair asked that a report be presented to the Administrative Committee. The Committee requested that they be shown the results of the recently held staff survey. The Deputy Chief Executive advised that this would be shared with members once the members’ survey had been completed and the results analysed so that both sets of outcomes could be considered together.


The Committee resolved to make a recommendation to the Corporate Policy & Resources Committee to note the significant strategic risks and issues highlighted in the report.