70 Embodied Carbon Foot Printing PDF 120 KB
To consider agreement to a policy focus being developed which would outline ways that would reduce embodied carbon, without requiring an outright embodied carbon calculation, through a Supplementary Planning Document.
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The Committee considered a report from the Sustainability Officer regarding embodied carbon foot printing. He explained that calculating carbon foot printing varied across organisations as there was not a universally agreed method. However, there were good methods to assess operational carbon and focus could more easily be directed on reducing operational carbon foot printing in the Council’s assets. A Supplementary Planning Document could then be produced to provide guidance for developers on future developments in the borough.
The Committee confirmed the Supplementary Planning Document would be compatible with the Local Plan if it were adopted, and how it would be taken into consideration in determining future planning applications. The Committee noted the policy would be focused on new developments. The Committee also acknowledged that discussions over operational carbon and development of a Supplementary Planning Document had taken place across a number of departments within the Council.
The Committee resolved to agree to a policy focus being developed which would outline ways that would reduce embodied carbon, without requiring an outright embodied carbon calculation, through a Supplementary Planning Document (SPD).