Issue - meetings

Forward Plan

Meeting: 11/07/2022 - Corporate Policy and Resources Committee (Item 88)

Forward Plan

To consider the Forward Plan for committee business. There are currently no items scheduled for future committees.


It was agreed that:


1.    A briefing on the Treasury Management Strategy be held for Corporate Policy and Resources Committee members.


2.    A further briefing on the proposals for the Oast House site be held for all councillors.


3.    A digital transformation working group be established, consisting of Councillors Beardsmore, Boughtflower and Nichols, with some proposed terms of reference considered at the Corporate Policy and Resources Committee on 10 October 2022.


4.    A ‘policy services’ working group be established, with the membership and terms of reference to be considered at the Corporate Policy and Resources Committee on 10 October 2022. Due to the time constraints on the meeting, further consideration of this item was deferred to an informal meeting of the Corporate Policy and Resources Committee, with any formal recommendations (where applicable) to be considered at a future committee.