100 Surrey Delivery Board Update PDF 256 KB
This report provides a summary of some of the progress made to date based on feedback from recent meetings of the Board, the most recent of which was held on 4 July 2022.
There was debate about the recent developments and proposals emerging from Surrey County Council (SCC).
Concerns were raised about the intentions of SCC, particularly due to recent decisions around the cessation of joint committees and the contract for maintaining public spaces (such as gras cutting) not being renewed. It was felt that there had been minimal engagement with Spelthorne about these decisions.
Contrary views were expressed, during which it was felt that SCC was attempting to undertake meaningful engagement with district and borough councils across surrey, as well as residents. It was hoped that Spelthorne would use these opportunities to communicate its views to SCC.
The report was noted.
Surrey Delivery Board Update
To receive a verbal update on the Surrey Delivery Board.