Issue - meetings

Revenue Monitoring Report (Qtr 1 April-June)

Meeting: 06/10/2022 - Neighbourhood Services and Enforcement Committee (Item 37)

37 Revenue Monitoring Report (Qtr 1 April-June) pdf icon PDF 113 KB

To note the projected overspend on revenue expenditure for the Neighbourhood Services and Enforcement Committee against its budget as at 30 June 2022.

Additional documents:


The Committee received a revenue monitoring report related to Neighbourhood Services and Enforcement for quarter one of the financial year from the Chief Accountant. The report was presented alongside the overarching Revenue Monitoring report presented to the Corporate Policy and Resources Committee for context. He highlighted areas  of challenges and savings as well as  anticipated pressures due to  a rise in fuel costs.


The Committee resolved to note the projected £616,000 overspend on revenue expenditure for the Neighbourhood Services & Enforcement Committee against its Budget as of 30 June 2022.