Issue - meetings

Review of Staines BID

Meeting: 06/07/2023 - Economic Development Committee (Item 16)

16 Review of Staines Business Improvement District (BID) pdf icon PDF 5 MB

To receive a presentation on the Staines Business Improvement District (BID).


Due to availability of the presenter, the Chair suggested this item be heard before item 3 on the agenda. The Committee agreed.


The Committee received a presentation from the Business Improvement District (BID) Manager.


The BID Manager reviewed the BID area for the Committee as well a requirements for business inclusion. The four objectives of the BID were safety, marketing and events, welcoming, and business information. Achievements and events of the last six months were reviewed, alongside communication with businesses.


The Committee confirmed that it was compulsory for businesses with over £15k annual rateable value to contribute to the BID, though there were some exceptions for certain categories of businesses.


The Committee queried how the BID was addressing incidents of anti-social behaviour in Staines Town Centre. The BID Manager explained that BID rangers were equipped with body cameras, and CCTV covered the town centre. The BID Manager had also met with the Surrey Police and Crime Commissioner who was working to increase the number of PCSO’s in the area. Longer term plans included training BID rangers in the Community Safety Accreditation Scheme to enable them to issue fines.


The Committee inquired how the success of the BID was measured, and the BID manager explained that success of events was measured via social media outreach, event attendance, and feedback from businesses.


The Committee resolved to note the presentation on the Staines Business Improvement District.