Issue - meetings

Spelthorne Draft Response to Changes to NPPF

Meeting: 31/01/2023 - Environment and Sustainability Committee (Item 14)

14 Spelthorne Borough Council's Proposed Response to Government Consultation on Changes to the National Planning Policy Framework pdf icon PDF 233 KB

To consider Spelthorne Borough Council’s proposed response to the government’s consultation on changes to the National Planning Policy Framework.

Additional documents:


The Committee considered a draft response from Spelthorne Borough Council to the Government’s Consultation on proposed changes to the National Planning Policy Framework. The Planning Officer provided a summary of the responses and the points they addressed in the consultation.


The Committee agreed with the draft response to Chapter 6 in relation to beauty which noted that beauty was subjective. The Committee noted the tone of the responses and felt they could be more robust, particularly when addressing the concern of the Council. They recommended that the language in the responses be strengthened, and also address the disparity between communications from government officials and legislation. Some members felt that affordable housing should be at the forefront of the response.


It was proposed by Councillor Fidler, seconded by Councillor Beecher and resolved to suspend standing orders so the meeting could continue until 10.30pm.


Members requested that the amended response be circulated to the Committee for review ahead of submission, and this was agreed. 


The Committee resolved to agree the draft consultation response subject to the proposed changes being incorporated into the final draft.