18 Six Days A Week Community Centre Offer PDF 294 KB
To consider extending the Spelthorne Winter Warmer Project.
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The Committee considered a report from the Strategic Lead for Independent Living which sought approval of the continued arrangement to open one Community Centre in the borough for six days a week.
During the winter, warm spaces had been available for residents by opening the Fordbridge and Greeno Community Centres on alternate Saturdays. This provision had also supported those who experienced social isolation. The Committee were asked to endorse the continuation of the six days a week Winter Warmer approach and then review this in six months. The additional cost profile would be around £42,015, with some appetite to fund this through the Council’s cost of living fund and the Northwest Surrey Alliance Prevention Fund.
The Committee asked whether Staines Community Centre would be included in this provision. The Committee were informed that there was not sufficient staff availability at this centre on Saturdays. An offer would be extended subject to the successful trial period for the current centres.
The Committee queried the effects of Spelride not operating on Saturdays on numbers attending Community Centres at the weekend. The continuation of this project for six months would help establish transport needs.
The Committee resolved to agree option two and approve the three recommendations set out in the report.