Issue - meetings

Response to Heathrow noise action plan consultation

Meeting: 06/07/2023 - Economic Development Committee (Item 17)

17 Response to Heathrow Noise Action Plan Consultation pdf icon PDF 241 KB

Report to follow.

Additional documents:


The Committee considered Spelthorne Council’s response to Heathrow’s consultation on their draft Noise Action Plan. Key considerations for Spelthorne included the impact of the runway alternation on Stanwell Moor, and night time flights, and whether anything further could be done beyond the timespan of the plan. A brief on the draft had been provided to the Environment and Sustainability Committee, but the proposed draft was presented to this committee for consideration.


In accordance with Standing Order 35 of the Council’s Constitution, the Chair agreed that members of the Environment and Sustainability Committee present were welcome to contribute on the item, though they were not allowed to vote on the item.


The Chair of Environment and Sustainability Committee queried if consideration could be given to additional sign-off by the Chair and Vice-Chair of Environment and Sustainability Committee as issues regarding Heathrow also fell under consideration of that Committee. This was agreed.


The Committee acknowledged that Heathrow’s plan to significantly increase Easterly arrivals would hugely affect residents of Stanwell Moor, and requested that the response opposing that plan be strengthened in paragraph 5.3.


The Committee noted that Heathrow would also be applying for planning permission to make alterations to their runway to accommodate the alternating use of the runway. When that application was submitted, the Council  would respond to the application, and residents would also be invited to respond.


The Committee queried how residents could express concern over current aircraft noise and were advised contact information was available through the Spelthorne Borough Council website.


The Committee resolved to agree Spelthorne Council’s response to Heathrow’s draft Noise Action Plan, including any further comments or changes agreed at the meeting, with the final sign-off to be delegated to the Chair and Vice-Chair of the Economic Development Committee and Environment and Sustainability Committee.