Issue - meetings

Asset Management Strategy

Meeting: 02/10/2023 - Development Sub-Committee (Item 138)

138 Asset Management Strategy

To receive a verbal update on the Asset Management Strategy.

Additional documents:


The Sub-Committee received an update on the Asset Management Strategy from the Asset Manager. A workshop had taken place with agreed members of the Development Sub-Committee to review the draft strategy, and a collaborative approach was established to ensure the strategy was councillor led and supported by officer input. The strategy would set out key strategic priorities and objectives for the investment portfolio, the development and regeneration portfolio, and the municipal portfolio.


Members of the Committee reviewed the strategic priorities set out for the three portfolios. The Committee explored how each of the priorities may impact the portfolios. Further detailed information regarding sites and opportunities were being compiled to feed into the strategy. An update would be provided for the sub-committee and Corporate Policy and Resources Committee in November with the further requested details. More workshops would be scheduled before the strategy was presented to Council in December.


The Sub-Committee resolved to note the update on the Asset Management Strategy.