Issue - meetings

External Audit Update

Meeting: 30/11/2023 - Audit Committee (Item 34)

34 External Audit Update

To receive a verbal update on the work of the External Auditors.


The Deputy Chief Executive provided an update on the work of the external auditors (BDO) and advised the Committee that BDO were awaiting DLUHC to issue a ministerial directive which would likely set out a deadline for all outstanding audits to be cleared or for qualifications/disclaimers to be issued. As BDO had not commenced work on the audits they had advised they would issue qualification opinions/disclaimers for the relevant years. They would also complete the Value for Money opinions for the outstanding years.


The Committee stated that the Corporate Risk Register did not include any mention of risk related to the unaudited accounts. The Deputy Chief Executive advised that a statement outlining the risks could be compiled and provided to the Committee.


The Committee queried whether BDO would present their opinions to the Committee once finalised and were assured that BDO would be invited to report to the Members upon completion of the audits.


The Committee queried whether there would be any contractual pressure that could be applied to BDO to encourage them to commence work on the audits and were advised that there was no direct contract between the Council and BDO, the contract is between BDO and the PSAA (Public Sector Audit Appointments).


The Committee resolved to note the update.