Issue - meetings

Development Delivery Options for Council Owned Land and Property

Meeting: 16/10/2023 - Corporate Policy and Resources Committee (Item 110)

110 Development Delivery Options for Council Owned Development Sites pdf icon PDF 232 KB

The Committee is asked to consider the future for Council owned developmet sites.

Additional documents:


The Committee considered a report from the Group Head of Assets that sought approval for the Development Sub-Committee to consider all the possible workstreams for all Council owned sites.


The Development Sub-Committee will consider and make recommendations that will brought to this Committee before going to Council for final decisions to be made.


The Committee expressed that they felt the information contained within the report for this item and the other financial reports within the agenda was confusing and inconsistent. It was requested that in future, the Finance Team and the Assets Team liaise to produce one report that is consistent in the information provided and provides cross-referencing for ease when considering each site.


It was agreed that the Member Financial Reporting Working Group will, as part of its ongoing work, look at how reports were written and presented to ensure that all councillors are able to understand the current financial position and also the financial implications of any decision made. It was agreed that Councillor Gibson would join this working group.


The Group Head of Assets confirmed that the public will be consulted before any decisions were made with regard to the individual sites but when and how this would be done would be for councillors to decide.



The Committee resolved to approve that:


The Development Sub-Committee, with support from officers:


1.    Progress a comprehensive mixed use, phased masterplan strategy for Council owned site in Staines,


2.    Identify suitable development delivery options for Council owned sites, in other parts of the Borough and not included as part of a comprehensive Staines masterplan or subject to early disposal to mitigate high holding costs,


3.    Identify and progress options for mitigating holding costs via:


a)    Early disposal of sites, which have high monthly holding costs and are not suitable for inclusion in a comprehensive masterplan for Staines-upon-Thames,

b)    Work to obtain fixed costs for the demolition of Thameside House to offset high holding costs,

c)    Temporary lettings for those sites which will continue to remain in the Council’s ownership in the medium to long term; and

d)    Delegate authority to the Development Sub-Committee to agree the terms and completion of lettings where these are not covered under the Officer Scheme of Delegation.



Meeting: 25/09/2023 - Development Sub-Committee (Item 128)

128 Mixed Use Development Delivery Options, for Council Owned Land and Property Including Public Car Parks

To receive a presentation on mixed use development delivery options for council owned land and property including public car parks.

Additional documents:


It was proposed by Councillor Williams seconded by Councillor Sexton and resolved that due to part of the presentation containing exempt information, that this item be moved to the end of the agenda.


The Group Head – Assets gave a presentation on the Mixed-Use Development Delivery Options, for Council Owned Land and Property Including Public Car Parks.


It was proposed by Councillor Beecher seconded by Councillor Sexton and resolved to exclude the public and press be excluded for the following agenda items, in accordance with paragraph 3 of part 1 of Schedule 12A of the Local Government Act 1972 (as amended) because it was likely to disclose information relating to the financial or business affairs of any particular person (including the authority holding that information) and in all the circumstances of the case, the public interest in maintaining the exemption outweighs the public interest in disclosing the information because, disclosure to the public would prejudice the financial position of the authority in being able to undertake even-handed negotiations and finalizing acceptable contract terms.


The Development Management Contractor presented a summary explaining the various delivery mechanisms available.


The Parking Services Operational Manager, and the Group Head – Neighbourhood Services presented an outline of the income generated from parking spaces across the borough alongside example of costs for Elmsleigh Multi Surface Car Park.


The Prinicpal Asset Manager, and the Asset Management Consultant presented alternative options that could be considered for each site. Options for mitigating holding costs were also explained.


The Committee resolved that a comprehensive mixed use phased masterplan development strategy for Staines be progressed.


The Committee resolved that potential delivery options for Council owned sites not included as part of a comprehensive masterplan be identified.


The Committee resolved that a report be taken to Corporate Policy and Resources on timescales, considerations and next steps, including:

  1. Council aspirations on uses and densities
  2. Financial viability
  3. Public engagement
  4. Planning
  5. Market appetite for Council aspirations


The Committee resolved that principles for mitigating holding costs, excluding demolition, should be established.