Issue - meetings

Landlord Rent Guarantee Scheme

Meeting: 22/06/2016 - Cabinet (Item 2267)

2267 Landlord Rent Guarantee Scheme - Key Decision pdf icon PDF 422 KB

Councillor Pinkerton OBE


Cabinet considered a report on a Landlord Rent Guarantee Scheme.


RESOLVED that Cabinet approves the proposed Landlord Rent Guarantee scheme which is designed to encourage landlords to rent their accommodation to clients in housing need and address the increase in numbers awaiting suitable housing in the borough.


Reasons for decision:

Spelthorne continues to face a series of challenges in response to housing demand and the prevention of homelessness. Accessing the housing market in Spelthorne is challenging and affordability is an issue. The Landlord Rent Guarantee scheme will incentivise private landlords to house Spelthorne clients in housing need.