24 Community Toilet Scheme - For Discussion PDF 216 KB
To consider whether a report on Community Toilet Schemes should be added to the Forward plan.
The Chair allowed Councillor Bing Dong to speak for three minutes on a request for a report on a Community Toilet Scheme to be presented at a future Committee meeting.
Councillor Bing Dong informed the Committee that residents in Sunbury complained that there were no easily accessible toilets in the Ward. Councillor Bing Dong cited a similar scheme that was run in Richmond, where premises that took part were paid up to £1000 to allow residents to use onsite toilets free of charge.
The Chair advised that if a scheme were to be introduced it would likely need to include all wards which would lead to significant costs, depending on how many premises were involved, and the need for someone to administer the scheme.
The Committee queried whether some public toilets could be reinstated and were advised that to put these in place would involve a significant cost of around £100,000 per year.
The Group Head Neighbourhood Services advised that if a decision was made to move forward with a Community Toilet Scheme, the Committee would need to be very direct as to what they would want in a report and to be aware that a decision would need to be made on how it was funded.
The Committee resolved to add a report identifying potential locations which could benefit from the Community Toilet Scheme to the Forward Plan.