Issue - meetings

Bureau Services and Energy Supply

Meeting: 22/01/2024 - Corporate Policy and Resources Committee (Item 6)

6 Bureau Services and Energy Supply pdf icon PDF 446 KB

Committee is asked to consider the report that seeks:


1.    Approval for the Council entering into a contract for the provision of a Bureau Service and Supply of Energy (gas and electricity) with Kent County Council (KCC) LASER for a period from October 2024 to September 2028,


2.    Authorisation for the Group Head of Assets to agree terms in respect of any necessary contract arrangements with KCC LASER; and


3.    Authorisation for the Group Head of Corporate Governance to enter into a contract with the KCC LASER.


The Committee considered a report from the Property Account Manager on the procurement of bureau services and gas and electric supply through Kent County Council (KCC) LASER. The current contract with the provider required renewal, and KCC LASER provided the best value as energy was purchased in large volumes at lower prices, and bulk purchasing avoided market volatility. A bureau service was also offered which helped address queries, provided monthly portfolio reviews, and allowed for usage data to be collated to help identify trends.


The Committee queried the status of the contract should Kent County Council encounter any difficulties in future. The Property Account Manager assured the Committee that there should be no impact on energy as it was purchased in bulk, but this would be raised with them and an answer provided after the meeting.


The Committee resolved to

1)    Approve the Council entering into a contract for the provision of a Bureau Service and Supply of Energy (Gas and Electricity) with Kent County Council (KCC) LASER for a period from October 2024 to September 2028,

2)    Authorise the Group Head of Assets to agree terms in respect of any necessary contract arrangements with KCC LASER; and

3)    Authorise the Group Head of Corporate Governance to enter into a contract with the KCC LASER.