Issue - meetings

Annual Community Grants Report

Meeting: 16/01/2024 - Community Wellbeing and Housing Committee (Item 9)

Annual Community Grants Report

To consider the Annual Grant Awards 2024/2025.

Additional documents:


The Committee considered a report from the Community Development Manager which sought approval for the Grants Awards for 2024/2025. The report outlined funding recommendations for applications received following consideration by the Grants Panel. Following final determination of the annual budget by Council, the grants awards would be allocated to charities and voluntary sector organisations operating in the borough.


Councillor Boughtflower, seconded by Councillor Bateson, extended thanks on behalf of the Committee to members on the Grants Panel for their hard work during this process.


The Committee resolved to:


1.    Note the recommendations of the Grants Panel regarding the proposed recipients of the 2024/2025 community grants

2.    Make a decision and recommendation to Council

3.    Note the other support that Spelthorne Borough Council provides to the voluntary/charity sector.

4.    Any underspend from the Council Grants and Better Neighbourhood Grants budget will be carried forward to the next financial year.

5.    Note the potential changes to the Discretionary Rate Relief Policy.