Issue - meetings

Update to Community Assets Policy

Meeting: 15/04/2024 - Corporate Policy and Resources Committee (Item 45)

45 \Update to Community Assets Policy pdf icon PDF 774 KB

Committee is asked to consider and approve:


1.     the Council Administration’s proposal to allow the consideration of new community development in the Council’s recreation grounds and green open spaces; and


2.    Changes to wording with the Community Lettings Policy dated November 2022.




Additional documents:


The Committee were advised that this report was only intended to update the current policy and that a complete review would be undertaken later in the year.


Concerns were raised about the potential development on Green Belt sites and requested that a list be provided of those parks within the Borough that were not in the Green Belt.


Councillor Boughtflower requested a name vote.



Councillors Bateson, Beatty, Beecher, Buck, J Doran, Grant, Gibson, Nichols, Rutherford Sexton & Williams - 11


Councillors Attewell, Boughtflower, Howkins & Lee - 4





Committee resolved to:


1.    Agree the Council Administration’s proposal to allow the consideration of new community development in the Council’s recreation grounds and green open spaces; and


2.    Approve changes to wording within the Community Lettings Policy dated November 2022. Within Section 5 to replace the wording “New development on recreation grounds or other green open spaces will not be considered” with the following:


“New community development on recreation grounds or other green open spaces will only be considered when it is appropriate to do so and there is no net adverse impact to the Biodiversity of the location. If it can be demonstrated by the person/organisation making the application, in consultation with the Councillors, that there is benefit to the wider community, the matter will be considered in more detail. All applications being progressed will be subject to a viability assessment and due diligence, as set out in Appendix 6 and taken to the Council’s Corporate Policy and Resources Committee.