Issue - meetings

5 Swimmers Statue

Meeting: 09/09/2024 - Corporate Policy and Resources Committee (Item 111)

111 5 Swimmers Statue pdf icon PDF 370 KB

The Committee is asked to:


1.    Authorise the Group Head of Corporate Governance to enter into a long art loan agreement  for the 5 Swimmers statue with Berkeley Homes (or such other appropriate form of agreement as shall be agreed with Berkeley Homes).


Additional documents:


Committee resolved to authorise the Group Head of Corporate Governance to enter into a long term art loan agreement for the 5 Swimmers Statue with Berkeley Homes (or such other appropriate form of agreement as shall be agreed with Berkeley Homes).


The Committee considered a report that sought agreement for the Council to enter into a long term art loan agreement for the 5 Swimmers Statue.


The Committee were advised that a number of relocation sites had been considered and it was felt that the proposed site at the Eden Grove Development would provide the best protection from vandalism for the statue and would still be accessible to all members of the public.


The art loan would be with Berkeley Homes for a minimum of 10 years, after which the Council would be able to take back the statue if they so wished but would be required to give Berkeley Homes eighteen months notice.


The Chief Executive advised the Committee that a Quick Response (QR) Code is to be put on the statue so that members of the public would be able to read the history of the statue and why it is so important to the Borough. The public would be advised as to where the statue had been relocated to once in situ to ensure that as many residents as possible had the opportunity to see it.


The Committee were advised that a valuation figure had been provided in the report and that it would be insured before being placed in the Eden Grove Development.


 Committee resolved to authorise the Group Head of Corporate Governance to enter into a long term art loan agreement for the 5 Swimmers Statue with Berkeley Homes (or such other appropriate form of agreement as shall be agreed with Berkeley Homes).


Councillors Boughtflower and Mooney requested that it be noted in the minutes that they did not agree with this decision.