Issue - meetings

Support to Businesses and job creation

Meeting: 15/03/2016 - Overview and Scrutiny Committee (Item 61)

61 Support to local businesses and the unemployed pdf icon PDF 49 KB

To note the report of the Economic Development Officer on support provided by Spelthorne Council for the local business community and for the unemployed.


The Economic Development Manager outlined some of the key activities that the Council either initiates or supports to achieve a better environment for businesses and provide opportunities for the unemployed, which included:


·         An economic assessment and action plan adopted in 2013

·         Free business advice web-chat service - ‘my incubator ventures’

·         Spelthorne Business Forum

·         Participation in annual Heathrow Business Summit

·         Training sessions for businesses

·         Key Account Management strategy

·         Introduction of a Business Improvement District in Staines-upon-Thames

·         Funding to support improvements to four of our secondary shopping centres

·         Support for unemployed including: Heathrow Academy opportunities and support for annual jobs and careers fair

·         Close working with Enterprise M3


He concluded that these activities and opportunities had contributed to Spelthorne’s achievement in 2015 of Staines-upon-Thames being identified as the number one town in the entire UK to set up and start a new business.


The Leader, Councillor Harvey, reinforced the importance of economic development to the success of the Borough.  He was setting up an Economic Development Select Committee, comprising one councillor from each major town, to work alongside officers and liaise with the business community and partners to drive forward this priority. He also referred to the Council’s work with Heathrow to help long-term unemployed back into employment.


Members of the Committee asked detailed questions about start-up businesses to which the Economic Development Manager was unable to respond, explaining the constraints of the limited resources at Spelthorne (only 1.5FTE posts in the Economic Development Team undertaking all the work detailed above), compared to Woking Borough Council who had a team of 5FTE.


The Committee raised concerns about inhibitors for business and economic development due to existing transport infrastructure including the provision of car parks and access by train. The Economic Development Manager advised that Surrey County Council had recently undertaken a transport study to review access to Staines-upon-Thames and this report would be available soon. Spelthorne was also working with Surrey CC and the Local Economic Partnership to identify infrastructure projects and bid for grants to undertake improvement works. He said the Council could potentially invest in decking over the Elmsleigh surface car park if required to offset any identified parking pressures.


In relation to train access to Staines-upon-Thames, Councillor Rybinski updated the Committee on the campaign to include Spelthorne railway stations in the Oyster card zone 6. 


Resolved to:

1. note the report and endorse the progress made in supporting local businesses and residents to enhance their economic prosperity;


2. urge the Cabinet to continue to invest in the resources made available for Economic Development at Spelthorne and to support the campaign for the extension of Zone 6.