Issue - meetings

Disposal of Ashford multi-storey car park site

Meeting: 28/09/2016 - Cabinet (Item 2299)

Exempt report - Disposal of Ashford multi-storey car park site - Key Decision

Cllr Harvey


(Paragraph 3 – Information relating to the financial or business affairs of any particular person (including the authority holding that information) and on the basis that publication would not be in the public interest because publication of the Council’s approach to this agreement prior to contract award and negotiation of the Development Agreement would likely prejudice the Council’s ability to agree the most advantageous terms and conditions with the preferred bidder. Details of the contract process and evaluation of bids can be made available after exchange of contracts.

Additional documents:


The Cabinet considered a report on the disposal of the Ashford Multi Storey Car Park site. The options considered were in the main body of the report.


RESOLVED that Cabinet agrees to:


1.    The disposal of the Ashford multi-storey car park to the preferred bidder or to any other bidder subject to consultation with the Leader (as the Portfolio Holder for Strategic Assets);

2.    The disposal being subject to the provision of 40% affordable housing (with 35% on site and the remainder in the form of a financial contribution);

3.    Set aside a sum of £1m from any capital receipt received from the sale of the site to assist with more parking provision in Ashford; and

4.    Authorise the Group Head Regeneration and Growth to negotiate and finalise all terms for the sale of the site in consultation with the Leader.

5.    Send a strong message to the affordable housing provider of the site that it wishes to see priority to nomination rights for the affordable housing given to local people.


Reasons for decision


The preferred bidder has delivered the ‘best value’ bid in both monetary terms and in the benefits the development will bring to the wider community in terms of a retailer and quality housing. It will provide considerably more residential units than the previously preferred bidder and include on and off site affordable housing in line with the Borough’s overall requirements to provide 40% of new build as affordable.


The proposal will also generate a significant capital receipt for the Council which will assist in delivering one of the three main strands of the Council’s ‘Towards a Sustainable Future’ transformation programme.


Funding to address car parking issues has been set aside in recognition of the significant level of local concern from residents. This may be used in conjunction with other funding streams that may be forthcoming from other sources such as Surrey County Council.