Issue - meetings

Recommendations from the Local Plan Working Party

Meeting: 28/09/2016 - Cabinet (Item 2290)

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Cllr Gething


To consider the recommendations of the Local Plan Working Party from its meeting held on 5 September 2016.


A copy of all the documents referred to in the Local Plan Working Party minutes as a) to f) have been placed in the Members’ Room. They will be made public following the meeting, subject to Cabinet’s agreement to the recommendations.


The Cabinet considered the recommendations from the most recent meeting of the Local Plan Working Party.


RESOLVED that Cabinet agrees to:


1.    Approve the draft Spelthorne Functional Economic Area Analysis for public consultation;

2.    Approve the Draft Sustainability Appraisal Scoping Report for public consultation;

3.    Approve the Strategic Land Availability Assessment Methodology;

4.    Approve the Brief for the Green Belt Assessment for public consultation and authorises the Chairman (Cllr Harvey), to approve any appropriate alterations to the brief arising from that consultation;

5.    Approve the Planning Monitoring Report 2016; and

6.    Approve the following proposals on the Community Infrastructure Levy (CIL):

a.    5% of monies received be retained by the Borough Council to meet its costs of administering the CIL process (in accordance with the CIL Regulations);

b.    Engagement with local communities on how the ‘neighbourhood funding’ element (15% of CIL monies received) should be based on the 5 main community areas of the Borough – Ashford, Shepperton, Staines, Stanwell and Sunbury;

c.    Decisions on the allocation of the ‘neighbourhood funding’ element to be solely for the Borough Council to make subject to appropriate community consultation; and

d.    A Joint Infrastructure Working Group with Surrey County Council, including the portfolio holder for Planning and Economic Development or a Deputy, be established to put in place appropriate mechanisms for establishing priorities and programming for expenditure of the remaining *up to 80% of CIL monies. [*amendment made at Cabinet 23/11/16]