Issue - meetings

Corporate Risk Management

Meeting: 19/07/2017 - Cabinet (Item 2399)

2399 Recommendation of the Audit Committee on Corporate Risk Management pdf icon PDF 100 KB

Councillor Williams


To consider the recommendation of the Audit Committee on Corporate Risk Management.

Additional documents:


Cabinet considered the recommendation from the Audit Committee following a review of the Corporate Risk Register.


Resolved that Cabinet approves the Corporate Risk Register as submitted.


Reason for the decision:

Cabinet noted that the Corporate Risk Register accurately reflected the high level risks affecting the Council as well as the progress made on actions previously proposed by the Audit Committee.

Meeting: 22/06/2017 - Audit Committee (Item 452)

452 Corporate Risk Management pdf icon PDF 321 KB

To receive a report from the Internal Audit Manager.

Additional documents:


The Internal Audit Manager summarised the risks affecting the Council as outlined in the report and highlighted a number of issues, specifically Corporate Health and Safety, Information Governance, ICT Security, risk of failure in service delivery, the Code of Corporate Governance, Procurement, Housing, Safeguarding and Debt Recovery.


The Committee noted that two risks continued to be rated as red – the Code of Corporate Governance and Procurement – and requested more detailed updates on these issues for consideration at its next meeting.


The revised Register was considered to be an accurate reflection of the high level risks affecting the Authority and progress on actions was documented on the Register.


Resolved that:

1.    The contents of the Corporate Risk Register be noted and accepted;


2.    That the Corporate Risk Register be recommended to Cabinet for approval.