Disclosures of Interest
To receive any disclosures of interest from members of the Committee in accordance with the Council’s Code of Conduct for members.
The four Conservative Councillors on the Committee declared an interest under the Council’s conflict of interest policy that the Chief Executive of Norman Broadbent Ltd, the consultants involved with the appointment process, is the Chairman of the Spelthorne Conservative Association. Whilst Mr Brennan has no control over the elected members of the Council, it is only right and proper that the relationship is disclosed. Councillors have considered that they are able to deal with the matter properly and that there is no risk of undue influence since Mr Brennan has not been involved in this assignment.
Disclosures of Interest
To receive any disclosures of interest from members of the Committee.
In order that there is transparency it should be noted that the four Conservative Councillors on the Committee declared an interest under our conflict of interest policy so that it can be recorded that the Chief Executive of Norman Broadbent Ltd, Mr Mike Brannan, is the Chairman of the Spelthorne Conservative Association. Whilst Mr Brennan has no control over the elected members of the Council, it is only right and proper that the relationship is disclosed. Councillors have considered that they are able to deal with the matter properly and that there is no risk of undue influence since Mr Brennan will not be involved in this assignment.