304 Calendar of Meetings 2019-2020 PDF 48 KB
Additional documents:
Council considered a recommendation of Cabinet on the proposed Calendar of Meetings for 2019/2020. The meetings have been programmed to ensure that the Council makes decisions in a timely way.
Resolved to approve the Calendar of Meetings for 2019/20 as attached.
2542 Calendar of Meetings 2019-2020 PDF 99 KB
Councillor Harvey
To consider the draft Calendar of Meetings for 2019-2020 and make a recommendation to Council.
Additional documents:
Cabinet considered a report on the Calendar of meetings for 2019-2020.
The meetings for 2019 to 2020 had been programmed to ensure that the Council makes decisions in a timely way to help with the implementation of its priorities and strategies, as well as fulfilling its constitutional and legal obligations.
Resolved to recommend the Calendar of meetings 2019-2020 to Council for approval.