Issue - meetings

Review of procedure for Gifts, Hospitality and Sponsorship

Meeting: 21/02/2019 - Council (Item 57)

Review of procedure for Gifts, Hospitality and Sponsorship


Council considered the recommendation of the Members’ Code of Conduct Committee on the Policy on Gifts, Hospitality and Sponsorship.


It was moved and seconded that the Policy on Gifts Hospitality and Sponsorship be amended as proposed in the supplementary agenda papers, and subject to the following changes proposed by the Committee:

a.    That the nominal value for gifts be raised to £50;

b.    Offers of hospitality open to all members to be recorded by officers

c.    Gifts below the nominal value received by Refuse operatives, Community Day centre staff, Meals on Wheels and Spelride drivers from grateful members of the public are not required to be recorded

d.    Gifts below the nominal value received by the Mayor or Deputy Mayor, in the course of fulfilling their civic role are not required to be recorded.


The Monitoring Officer thanked the Committee for their consideration of his report on the Policy and advised the Council on the recommendations before them.


Councillor H.R. Williams moved and Councillor I.T.E. Harvey seconded an amendment to the recommendation as follows:

under part a. – amend the words “be raised to £50” to read “remain at £35”

and remove part d. in its entirety.


The Leader, Councillor I.T.E. Harvey, called for a recorded vote on the amendment.


The vote was as follows:


FOR (21)

Councillors I.T.E. Harvey (Leader); A.C. Harman (Deputy Leader); M.M. Attewell; C. Barnard; I.J. Beardsmore; J.R. Boughtflower; S. Capes; S.A. Dunn; Q.R. Edgington; M.P.C. Francis; A.T. Jones; S.C. Mooney; D. Patel; O. Rybinski; D. Saliagopoulos; J. Sexton; R.W. Sider; R.A. Smith-Ainsley; B.B. Spoor; H. A. Thomson; H.R.D. Williams


Councillors A.E. Friday; N.J. Gething; N. Islam; J.G. Kavanagh; A.J. Mitchell; J.M. Pinkerton;


Councillors R.O. Barratt


The amendment was carried.


The Council then voted on the substantive motion and


Resolved that the Policy on Gifts Hospitality and Sponsorship be amended as attached and subject to the following changes proposed by the Committee:

a.    That the nominal value for gifts remain at £35;

b.    Offers of hospitality open to all members to be recorded by officers and

c.    Gifts below the nominal value received by Refuse operatives, Community Day centre staff, Meals on Wheels and Spelride drivers from grateful members of the public are not required to be recorded.

Meeting: 13/02/2019 - Members' Code of Conduct Committee (Item 39)

39 Gifts and Hospitality pdf icon PDF 109 KB

To consider the report of the Monitoring Officer on a review of the procedure for Gifts, Hospitality and Sponsorship and make a recommendation to Council.

Additional documents:


The Committee considered a report on a review of the procedure for reporting gifts and hospitality. The review suggested improvements to the reporting mechanism to make the whole process more transparent and visible. It would ensure that staff and councillors are accountable under the policy and provide assurance to residents and other stakeholders that the process is fit for purpose.

Members were concerned that £35 was no longer an appropriate nominal value for gifts received, when considering the cost of a bouquet, and proposed to raise it to £50.

Members requested that in addition to the books available for reporting gifts, hospitality and sponsorship, that an electronic form be devised and made available so that councillors did not find it necessary to make special visits to the Council offices in order to submit a report in the book.

The Committee discussed the proposed amendments to the Gifts and Hospitality Policy. It considered that there were certain roles for both councillors and staff where it was common to receive gifts of nominal value or less, from grateful members of the public, on certain occasions or at certain times of the year. The Committee agreed that the receipt of such gifts by Refuse operatives, Community Day centre staff, Meals on Wheels and Spelride drivers or by the Mayor or Deputy Mayor, in the course of fulfilling their civic role, should not be required to be recorded.

Members discussed whether it was necessary for each councillor to record their acceptance of an open invitation for hospitality extended to all members. It was proposed that officers would record all those offers of hospitality which were open to all members, on their behalf.

In relation to Appendix 2 to the report, which described the types of information which councillors and staff would be required to enter in relation to any gifts, hospitality or sponsorship received, the Committee suggested the following changes:


   i.    Delete ‘date of offer’

  ii.    Delete the word ‘full’ before ‘description of gift’

iii.    ‘Name and address of donor’ to be replaced by ‘Description of donor’

iv.    Add ‘if any’ after ‘connection with council’

  v.    Delete ‘reason for offer’



1)    To instigate the reporting mechanism outlined at paragraphs 2.2 to 2.8 of the report, subject to the following amendments:

b.    An electronic reporting form to be available in addition to the books; and

c.    Appendix 2 be amended as follows:

                      i.    Delete ‘date of offer’

                     ii.    Delete the word ‘full’ before ‘description of gift’

                   iii.    ‘Name and address of donor’ to be replaced by ‘Description of donor’

                   iv.    Add ‘if any’ after ‘connection with council’

                     v.    Delete ‘reason for offer’


2)    To instigate an annual review of all staff and councillor declarations at the Members’ Code of Conduct Committee and


3)    That the Monitoring Officer to conduct periodic training and updates to staff and councillors to remind them of the policy and reporting requirements.


Resolved to recommend Council:

4)    that the Policy on Gifts Hospitality and Sponsorship be amended as attached  ...  view the full minutes text for item 39