Housing Strategy 2020/2025
Council considered the recommendation of Cabinet to approve the Housing Strategy for 2020/2025.
The Housing Strategy sets out how the Council will ensure that local residents have an affordable range of housing options to meet their needs. The strategy sets out the key areas of focus, and is based upon the findings of an independent review of the Council’s performance in affordable housing delivery.
Resolved to approve the Housing Strategy 2020/2025.
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Councillor A. Brar
To consider the proposed Housing Strategy for 2020-2025 and recommend it to Council for approval.
Additional documents:
Cabinet considered a report proposing the adoption of a Housing Strategy for the period 2020 to 2025. Whilst it is not a legal requirement to have a Housing Strategy, the Council has continued to publish one due to the importance of access to suitable affordable housing in the borough.
An amended version of the Strategy was circulated in a supplementary agenda. The Strategy is based upon the findings of an independent review of the Council’s performance in affordable housing delivery and sets out three key areas of focus. The draft framework of the new Strategy was open to public and stakeholder consultation.
Alternative options considered and rejected by Cabinet
Resolved to recommend to Councilthat the Housing Strategy 2020-25, as amended in the supplementary agenda, be approved.
Reason for recommendation
The Housing Strategy 2020-25 sets out how the Council will ensure that local residents have an appropriate and affordable range of housing options to meet their needs.
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To receive a presentation from the Housing Strategy and Policy Manager on the development of the Housing and Homelessness Prevention Strategies for 2020-2025.
The Housing Strategy and Policy Manager gave a presentation (attached to these minutes) on the development of the Housing and Homelessness Prevention Strategies 2020-2025 and responded to members questions. The presentation explained the context within which the review of the Housing Strategy had taken place, the method for the review, the outcome of public consultation and the three priorities identified within the Strategy. An update was also provided on the review to date of the Homelessness Strategy and its emerging priorities.
The Housing Strategy and Policy Manager advised that a Working Group would be set up to monitor the development of the action plan.
The Chairman thanked the Housing Strategy and Policy Manager for his succinct and clear overview of the Housing and Homelessness Strategies.
Resolved to note the presentation.