Issue - meetings

Application No. 19/00653/HOU - 356 Kingston Road, Ashford

Meeting: 24/07/2019 - Planning Committee (Item 203)

203 Application No. 19/00653/HOU - 356 Kingston Road, Ashford, TW15 3SF pdf icon PDF 371 KB


Staines South



Erection of a single storey rear extension to the property


Officer’s recommendation

The application is recommended for approval subject to conditions as set out at paragraph 8 of the Officer’s report.


Additional documents:



19/00653/HOU – 356 Kingston Road, Ashford

This application sought the erection of a single storey rear extension, which will incorporate the side walls of the existing conservatory being extended by 0.2m in height and a 1.3m further projection beyond the rear elevation of the original dwelling. A new flat roof is to be laid.


Additional Information:

There was none.


Public Speaking:

There was none.



During the debate the following key issues were raised:

·         No objections from neighbours



The application was approved, as recommended, subject to conditions set out at Paragraph 8 of the Report, by a unanimous vote.