Issue - meetings

Exempt report - Fordbridge Extension

Meeting: 25/09/2019 - Cabinet (Item 2638)

2638 Proposed new extension to Fordbridge day centre pdf icon PDF 107 KB

Councillor I.T.E. Harvey


To consider a report on a proposed extension to the Fordbridge day centre, Ashford and make a recommendation to Council.

Additional documents:


Cabinet considered a report on a proposed new extension to the Fordbridge Day Centre.


The extension would increase the capacity of the dining room to seat 101 visitors and provide a flexible area for other activities such as classes, games or exercise to take place.


Alternative options considered and rejected by the Cabinet:

·         Do nothing


Resolved to

1.    Recommend to Council a supplementary capital estimate of £130,000 for the proposed extension at the Fordbridge Centre, and its inclusion in the 2019/20 capital programme;


2.    Approve the capital spend of £130,000 for the extension; and


3.    Agree to proceed with Option 3 as set out in Appendix 1



Reason for Decision

The Centre is operating at full capacity and cannot currently accommodate additional visitors. The Centre has requested a ground floor extension in order that it can accommodate more visitors for lunch and to access the Centre facilities/activities.