Issue - meetings

Treasury Management Strategy Statement 2020/21

Meeting: 27/02/2020 - Council (Item 53)

Treasury Management Strategy Statement


Council considered the recommendation of the Cabinet on the Treasury Management Strategy Statement for 2020/21.


The proposed Strategy represented an appropriate balance between risk management and cost effectiveness.


Resolved to approve the Treasury Management Strategy Statement for 2020/21.


Meeting: 29/01/2020 - Cabinet (Item 2673)

2673 Treasury Management Strategy Statement 2020/21 pdf icon PDF 262 KB

Councillor A.C. Harman


To consider the Treasury Management Strategy for 2020/21 and recommend it to Council for approval.

Additional documents:


Cabinet considered a report on the Treasury Management Strategy Statement 2020-21 which the Council is required to approve before the start of each financial year.


The Council had taken advice from its Treasury advisers, Arlingclose, to ensure a prudent and robust approach in the Strategy, which considers the external financial context and provides information on the local context in terms of current investment and borrowing.


Resolvedto recommend that Council approves the proposed Treasury Management Strategy for 2020-21 as set out in this report.


Reason for the decision:

The Treasury Management Strategy is fundamental to developing the financial sustainability of the Council.