Issue - meetings

Review of Planning Code

Meeting: 30/01/2020 - Members' Code of Conduct Committee (Item 22)

Review of Planning Code

To consider proposed changes to the Planning Code.

Additional documents:


The Committee reviewed the proposed amendments to the Planning Code, which had been discussed at previous meetings in September and November 2019 and subsequently refined.  The most significant changes would provide:


1.    Clarity on the call-in procedure

2.    A more robust decision making process

3.    A process for substitutions should these be allowed by the Council.


Members were of the view that all members should be familiar with planning matters and attend training to improve their knowledge and effectiveness as Ward Councillors as well as from a borough perspective. 


The Committee noted that a substitutions policy was an item for consideration later on the agenda and that the proposed code would be checked against recently issued Local Government Association (LGA) planning guidance.


Resolved to recommend that Cabinet and Council approve the revised Planning Code subject to:


1.    The amendment of the paragraph numbered 47 to state “It is expected that all members of the Council will engage in induction and familiarisation about planning matters and this Planning Code so that as Ward Councillors they can effectively represent residents and promote the interests of the Borough as a whole.”

2.    The proposed Planning Code complying with the recently issued LGA planning guidance.


Meeting: 27/11/2019 - Members' Code of Conduct Committee (Item 316)

Review of Planning Code

To consider proposed changes to the Planning Code.

Additional documents:


The Head of Corporate Governance, in consultation with the Planning Development Manager, had reviewed the Planning Code and presented a draft code for consideration.  The Committee thoroughly discussed the proposals and suggested some further changes and amendments to the code.


It was also agreed that in view of recent legal decisions, additional training should be arranged for all members on the need for clear reasons, linked to planning policies, when refusing an application or applying conditions to an application.


Resolved that:


1.    The Head of Corporate Governance make further amendments to the Planning Code as discussed.

2.    Training is arranged for all members on the need to align their decision making with planning policies


Meeting: 24/09/2019 - Members' Code of Conduct Committee (Item 247)

247 Review of Planning Code pdf icon PDF 92 KB

To consider a review of the Planning Code. The current Code is attached.


The Head of Corporate Governance advised members that it was an opportune time to review the Planning Code as a number of training events had been held in recent months giving members the opportunity to consider the Code in tandem with the Planning Committee meetings.


After discussion it was agreed that consideration should be given to:


1.    Clarify the wording about who can call in a planning application.  It was felt that a councillor should only be able to call in an application for their own ward.


2.    Provide a definition for the term ‘wider public interest’.  It was generally agreed that it should be something that would be relevant or appropriate to a specific part of the community, potentially even as small as a road. 


3.    Members also asked if there could be additional information added regarding ‘very special circumstances’ as this was a contentious issue. 


4.    Paragraph 27d to be amended to state that in exceptional circumstances a call-in could be made by phone and then followed up by email. 


The Committee discussed concerns about the conduct of members at Planning Committee who had been seen using electronic devices to look at non-planning material or to communicate with other councillors during the meeting which was unacceptable.


Another issue raised was those who voted contrary to the officer’s recommendation without expressing any view at all during the debate.  This created an impression that they voted following a party line.  It was emphasised that any councillor who did have concerns about a planning application should contact the relevant officer to discuss those.


The Committee requested the Head of Corporate Governance to investigate planning training and the possibility of webinars instead of, or in addition to, on-site seminars. 


Resolved that the Head of Corporate Governance liaise with the Planning Development Manager and report back to the next meeting with proposed changes to the code and details of call-ins.