Venue: Council Chamber. Council Offices, Knowle Green, Staines-upon-Thames TW18 1XB
Contact: Karen Wyeth Email:
Link: Members of the public may hear the proceedings by tuning into the Council's Youtube Channel
No. | Item | ||||||||||||||||||||||||
To confirm as a correct record the minutes of the Council meetings held on 14 July 2022, 1 August 2022 and 1 September 2022. Additional documents:
Minutes: The minutes of the Council meeting held on 14 July 2022, 01 August 2022 and 01 September 2022 were agreed as a correct record.
Disclosures of Interest To receive any disclosures of interest from Councillors in accordance with the Council’s Code of Conduct for Members. Minutes: There were no disclosures of interest. |
Announcements from the Mayor To receive any announcements from the Mayor. Minutes: I have three announcements:
Cllr John Doran and I went on a very good weekend to one of our twin partners in Melun in France. It was the weekend of the Brie festival and we had great fun and lots of lovely food and wine. Although it’s not a wine area, they had a partner wine vendor who made wines to go with their brie; it was very enjoyable. We met the German delegation there as well and they stated that they would like to have more to do with us so we will see what we can do with that. The only delegation that didn’t turn up were those from Crema in Italy. Overall we had a good time and enjoyed ourselves.
Last Saturday on 15th October, in Stanwell Village Hall, for the Mayor’s Charities, we had “Evening with Elvis” which some councillors attended, and we had great fun. We made £1060 for the charities, and also another £500 came from the WI who held a garden party for me. So far I’ve raised £1560 for my two charities. On 4 November in the Riverside Arts Centre in Sunbury, they have donated one of their nights for Jane Eyre that they are producing. It starts at 7:30pm and proceeds will go to the Mayor’s charities, so please do try to come along. There’s a special price for the charity and it will also include some nibbles and wine and I’ll be in the reception area.
I attended to a great event at 6th Staines Scouts who had painted a beautiful mural for the Queen’s Platinum Jubilee.
I’ve been to many events since the last Council meeting and I have more lined up, especially with Christmas coming.
Announcements from the Leader To receive any announcements from the Leader. Minutes: The Leader made the following announcements:
“I would like to begin my announcements by paying tribute to Cllr Alison Todd. Alison was a loyal friend to Spelthorne Borough Council and served on the Spelthorne Joint Committee. She always wanted to make things better for her community and continued to work as a dedicated and committed county councillor for her residents. She will be very sadly missed, and my thoughts continue to be with her family and friends at this time.
I would like to congratulate the Neighbourhood Services team after Sunbury Walled Garden and Staines Cemetery were announced as the winners of their categories at this year’s South & South East in Bloom awards. Very well done to the staff who take such pride in looking after these cherished community spaces.
The winners of the 2022 Spelthorne in Bloom competition were announced at a celebration evening on 11 October at Notcutts Garden Centre in Staines-upon-Thames. Congratulations to all the finalists and winners. Their allotments, gardens and displays brighten the Borough for everyone and show Spelthorne at its very best.
Our Community Centres will soon be opening on Saturdays to help members who are concerned about the cost of heating their homes over the winter period. Between November and February, the Community Centres in Ashford and Shepperton will take it in turns to open - offering warmth, a hearty meal and good company for their members. We have also created a new section on our website giving all residents advice about coping with the increasing cost of living.
We have just announced the finalists of the Spelthorne Business Awards. The quality of this year’s entries really highlighted the energy, resilience and creativity of the businesses here in Spelthorne and we look forward to revealing the winners on the 17th November.
I would like to extend my congratulations, on behalf of all Councillors, to the Council after the support that has been offered to Borough businesses was honoured at the National Federation of Small Businesses Awards last week. Spelthorne Borough Council was named the all-England winner of the Future Ready category, regional winner in the all-round small business friendly category and shortlisted for the South-Easy Covid-19 support and recovery category.
The West Wing and our steps to tackle the affordable housing crisis for our residents was also recognised this month at the Government Property Awards 2022. Spelthorne was proud to be one of two local authorities to be finalists, which recognised the 25 affordable and sustainable homes that were built in the West Wing of the Council Offices, making Spelthorne the first UK Local authority to convert over 40% of its active Civic Town Hall”.
The Leader made the following announcement through Councillor Beardsmore, Chair of Environment and Sustainability Committee:
In consultation with the Monitoring Officer and Head of Paid Service, the Strategic Planning Team would be instructed to concentrate on finishing off preparing the Local Plan, this having priority over all else. This would mean that the answering of questions from Councillors ... view the full minutes text for item 113/22 |
Announcements from the Chief Executive To receive any announcements from the Chief Executive. Minutes: The Chief Executive made the following announcements: “On behalf of all Officers here at Spelthorne Borough Council I would like to pay tribute to Cllr Alison Todd who always wanted to make things better for people living in her ward and across the Borough. Her funeral on Monday was very emotional and a wonderful testimony. I would like to express my sympathy and deepest condolences to her family and friends. Separately, and speaking in the capacity as the Returning Officer, may I inform Members that we are imminently entering a pre-election period (formerly known as Purdah) and that guidance on that topic will shortly be released to all member of this chamber by the Monitoring Officer. The Armed Forces Covenant encapsulates the UK’s promise to support our armed forces community. We owe them a profound debt of gratitude and never has the armed forces covenant and support to veterans been more vital. Working in tandem with Civilian Military Partnership Board, this authority is committed to making Spelthorne the best Borough to be a veteran in and acknowledging their service to this country. As Members of this Chamber will know, we have actively pursued a number of initiatives that have also secured the Council an Armed Forces Covenant Gold Employer Recognition Scheme Award. Tomorrow, all Councillors will be sent a schedule of the Remembrance Service events to be held across the Borough on Sunday 13th November - events which we anticipate will be very well attended by our communities and in which the Borough Council will be formally represented at both Member and Officer level. Madam Mayor, Spelthorne Council has long supported our local economy, in starting and growing new enterprises, in stimulating learning where ideas and innovation are valued and critically, in creating a culture of enterprise. By focusing on capital, people and ideas, the Spelthorne Business Forum, Spelthorne’s Enterprise Hub and Spelthorne’s Skills Hub are delivering the conditions that are helping rejuvenate our local economy, accelerating productivity and growth. Last Friday, Spelthorne Council was named the ‘All-England winner in the Future-Ready category’ at the Federation of Small Business national Awards as well as being named the ‘South East regional winner in the All-Round business support category’.
As a result, this authority can continue to take great pride in supporting our local economy, now in the additional knowledge that its work is recognised alongside the best in the country”.
Councillor L Nichols made a statement to the Chamber regarding communication shared during the pre-election period in February 2022. |
Questions from members of the public The Leader, or his nominee, to answer any questions raised by members of the public in accordance with Standing Order 13. Minutes: The Mayor reported that, under Standing Order 14, seven questions had been received from members of the public.
Question from Mr A McLuskey:
“Can the Leader explain why, given the multiple calls on its resources here in Spelthorne, the Borough has lent 10 million pounds to Thurrock Council?”
Response from Councillor J Boughtflower, Leader of the Council
“Councils routinely lend to each other, for relatively short periods (one month to twelve months), funds not required in the immediate short term but which will be required in the longer term, in order to manage cashflow. . Spelthorne, acting within the Treasury Management Strategy parameters set by Councillors each year and within the advice provided by our treasury management advisers, lends short term cash funds until they are required in order to earn interest on that cash and generate a contribution towards the Revenue Budget. In 2021-22, within the overall contribution, supporting the cost of services. of £1.7m from treasury management investments, £135k came from short term lending.
Spelthorne lent Thurrock Council £10m in March 2022, well before the recent news of their financial affairs and before it was made known that the Government would be intervening in that Council’s affairs. These were routine short-term ‘local authority to local authority’ loans which are maturing at the beginning of January 2023, and it should be noted that councils have almost as high a credit status as the UK Government.
As you may be aware, the Government
is not going to allow any council, including Thurrock, to default
on its liabilities. Indeed, the Public Works Loan Board
(PWLB), as part of the Bank of England, has made a formal
announcement making it
This means that there is zero risk of non-repayment to this Council. Spelthorne, therefore expects to be fully repaid its £10m, plus interest, on the due dates in January 2023.
Furthermore, on 4 October 2022, Spelthorne received a letter from Thurrock Council confirming that, through the PWLB, that Thurrock Council has refinanced its short-term borrowing and that the outstanding capital and interest due to this Council will be repaid in line with the agreed terms of the loans.
Moving forward we will not be making any further loans to Thurrock for the time being.
Question and Statement of Context from Nigel Rowe:
In the vicinity of Staines, there are significant ground water flows through gravel and sand substrates for more than a mile either side of the river. The foundations of buildings create a barrier to the flow of water through these substrates, inhibiting flow rate, exacerbating water table levels, and increasing flood risk. The taller a building is, the deeper its foundations are required to be, and the greater their effect as barriers to water flow. Every new development further increases the flood risk. It is widely accepted that most of Staines and much of its hinterland ... view the full minutes text for item 115/22 |
Petitions To receive any petitions from members of the public. Minutes: There were none. |
Procurement of waste and street cleansing vehicles To consider a recommendation from the Corporate Policy and Resources Committee. Additional documents:
Minutes: Council considered a report on Procurement of Waste and Street Cleansing Vehicles following a recommendation from the Policy and Resources Committee.
It was proposed by Councillor J Boughtflower and seconded by Councillor A Mitchell and resolved that:
1. Option 1, (to continue with an all diesel fleet) as outlined in Appendix 2 of the officer’s report, be agreed; and 2. The funding for the Committee’s preferred option be allocated to enable the purchase of the vehicles. |
Procurement Tender Report for Waste & Street Cleansing Vehicles To consider a report from the Group Head Neighbourhood Services that seeks approval for the Group Head Corporate Governance to complete all legal formalities to enter into a:
1.1 contract for the supply of four diesel powered food waste collection vehicles with Supplier A, 1.2 seven year contract for the lease purchase and maintenance of seventeen waste and street cleansing vehicles with Supplier B; and 1.3 seven year lease with Supplier B for the use of the depot workshop facilities for the purpose of maintenance of the Council’s fleet of vehicles.
REASON FOR URGENCY – this has been deemed an urgent item as the decision cannot wait until the next scheduled meeting of Council because any delay would prevent the Council from completing the procurement exercise undertaken for the purchase and lease of waste and cleansing vehicles and potentially increase the cost to the Council. Minutes: Committee considered a report Procurement Tender for Waste & Street Cleansing Vehicles.
It was proposed by Councillor J Boughtflower and seconded by Councillor A Mitchell and resolved that:
1. Authorisation be given to the Group Head Corporate Governance to complete all legal formalities to enter into a:
1.1 contract for the supply of four diesel powered food waste collection vehicles with Supplier A, 1.2 seven year contract for the lease purchase and maintenance of seventeen waste and street cleansing vehicles with Supplier B; and 1.3 seven year lease with Supplier B for the use of the depot workshop facilities for the purpose of maintenance of the Council’s fleet of vehicles.
Spelthorne place arrangements to facilitate health outcomes To consider a recommendation from the Corporate Policy and Resources Committee. Additional documents:
Minutes: Committee considered a report on Spelthorne Place Arrangements to Facilitate Health Outcomes.
It was proposed by Councillor J Boughtflower and seconded by Councillor M Attewell and resolved that the following recommendations from the Corporate Policy and Resources Committee be agreed:
1. The Council’s approach to expanding the Health and Wellbeing Board to take account of the new requirements under the Health and Care Act and the associated White Paper, Health and Social Care Integration: joining up care for people, places and populations (Option 2 of the report), 2. That the Health and Wellbeing Board be renamed The Spelthorne Healthy Communities Board, with an expanded terms of reference, a wider membership of community participants and increased ability to award financial and other assistance using ‘pooled budgets’ from Health, Adult Social Care and the Council, 3. That devolved authority by provided to the Spelthorne Healthy Communities Board, within strict spending limits, to utilise ‘pooled budgets’ to expediate community based health initiatives. Initially using £50,000 of £132,000 awarded for prevention made by North West Surrey Alliance; and 4. That there be periodic reporting back to the Corporate Policy and Resources Committee on the Healthy Communities Board’s funding decisions.
Parking order revision (cashless parking) This report seeks to receive Council approval to make an amendment to the Spelthorne Borough Council Off-Street Parking Places (Amendment) Order 2022, for the introduction of an additional cashless payment method in all car parks that have a regulated tariff under the existing Parking Order. Minutes: Council considered a report on a Parking Order Revision (Cashless Parking).
It was proposed by Councillor R Barratt and seconded by Councillor A Mitchell and resolved that Council:
1. Authorise the Group Head of Neighbourhood Services to proceed with the proposals made in the report and to implement the Spelthorne Borough Council Off-Street Parking Places (Amendment) Order 2022, 2. Authorise the Group Head of Corporate Governance to publish all notices required to implement the Spelthorne Borough Council Off-Street Parking Places (Amendment) Order 2022; and 3. Authorise the Group Head of Neighbourhood Services in consultation with the Group Head of Corporate Governance to consider and address any objections and to amend the proposals if necessary, following the public consultation.
Annual report on complaints 2021-2022 To note a report from the Monitoring Officer on an annual review of complaints investigated by the Local Government and Social Care Ombudsman. Additional documents: Minutes: Council considered an Annual Report on Complaints 2021-22.
It was proposed by Councillor J Boughtflower and seconded by Councillor A Mitchell and resolved that the report be noted.
Appointment of Vice-Chair to the Licensing Committee To appoint a Vice-Chair to the Licensing Committee.
The calculated entitlements and group appointments, agreed at the Extraordinary Council on 1 September 2022, are detailed below.
Minutes: Council considered nominations for the appointment of Vice-Chair to the Licensing Committee.
It was proposed by Councillor C Bateson and seconded by Councillor R Sider that Councillor S Dunn be nominated for the appointment of Vice-Chair.
Council resolved that Councillor S Dunn be appointed as Vice-Chair of the Licensing Committee for the remainder of the municipal year.
Report from the Leader of the Council To receive the report from the Leader of the Council on the work of the Corporate Policy and Resources Committee at its meetings on 27 September 2022 (attached) and 10 October 2022 (to follow). Additional documents: Minutes: The Leader of the Council, Councillor J Boughtflower, presented the report of the Corporate Policy and meetings held on 27 September 2022 and 10 October 2022, which outlined the matters the Committee had decided since the last Council meeting.
Report from the Chair of the Administrative Committee The Administrative Committee has not met since the last meeting of the Council. Minutes: The Administrative Committee had not met since the last meeting of the Council.
Report from the Chair of the Audit Committee To receive the report from the Chair of the Audit Committee on the work of the Committee at its meeting on 28 July 2022. Minutes: The report of the Audit meeting held on 28 July 2022, which outlined the matters the Committee had decided since the last Council meeting, was presented by Councillor S Buttar in the absence of the Chair and Vice-chair of the Committee. |
Report from the Chair of the Community Wellbeing and Housing Committee To receive the report from the Chair of the Community Wellbeing and Housing Committee on the work of the Committee at its meeting on 20 September 2022. Minutes: The Chairman of the Community Housing and Wellbeing Committee, Councillor M Attewell, presented the report of the Community Housing and Wellbeing Committee meeting held on 20 September 2022 which outlined the matters the Committee had decided since the last Council meeting.
Report from the Chair of the Economic Development Committee To receive the report from the Chair of the Economic Development Committee on the work of the Committee at its meeting on 29 September 2022. Minutes: The Chairman of the Economic Development Committee, Councillor S Mooney, presented the report of the Economic Development Committee meeting held on 29 September 2022 which outlined the matters the Committee had decided since the last Council meeting.
Report from the Chair of the Environment and Sustainability Committee To receive the report from the Chair of the Environment and Sustainability Committee on the work of the Committee at its meetings on 6 September 2022 and 11 October 2022. Additional documents: Minutes: The Chairman of the Environment and Sustainability Committee, Councillor I. Beardsmore, presented the report of the Environment and Sustainability Committee meetings held on 06 September 2022 and 11 October 2022, which outlined the matters the Committee had decided since the last Council meeting. |
Report from the Chair of the Licensing Committee To receive the report from the Chair of the Licensing Committee on the work of the Committee at its meeting on 18 October 2022 (to follow). Minutes: The Chairman of the Licensing Committee, Councillor R.W. Sider BEM, presented his report which outlined the matters the Committee had decided since the last Council meeting held on 18 October 2022 .
Report from the Chair of the Neighbourhood Services Committee To receive the report from the Chair of the Neighbourhood Services Committee on the work of the Committee at its meeting on 6 October 2022. Minutes: The Chairman of the Neighbourhood Services Committee, Councillor R Barratt, presented the report of the Neighbourhood Services Committee meeting held on 6 October 2022 which outlined the matters the Committee had decided since the last Council meeting.
Report from the Chair of the Planning Committee To receive the report from the Chair of the Planning Committee on the work of the Committee at its meetings on 21 September 2022 and 19 October 2022 (to follow). Minutes: The Chairman of the Planning Committee, Councillor R Gething, presented the report of the Planning Committee meetings held on 21 September 2022 and 19 October 2022 which outlined the matters the Committee had decided since the last Council meeting.
Report from the Chair of the Standards Committee The Standards Committee has not met since the last meeting of the Council. Minutes: The Standards Committee has not met since the last meeting of the Council.
Motions To receive any motions from Councillors in accordance with Standing Order 16.
Motion 1
Proposed by Councillor Malcolm Beecher Seconded by Councillor Michele Gibson
"Until such time as the Spelthorne Local Plan 2022-2037 and Staines Development Framework as approved for Regulation 19 consultation and submission to the Planning Inspectorate are formally adopted by this council that the policies within the Staines Development Framework be adopted temporarily for all council-owned assets within the catchment area of the development framework.”
Motion 2
Proposed by Councillor Robin Sider BEM Seconded by Councillor Colin Barnard
“That following the introduction and distribution of the Local Government Association (LGA) Inclusive Language Guide to 359 councils in England and Wales, aimed at embedding equality, equity, diversity and inclusion, this council welcomes a further review of this guide following feedback from the LGA’s members.”
Motion 3
Proposed by Councillor John Boughtflower Seconded by Councillor Sinead Mooney
“Spelthorne’s flagship leisure centre development, due to open in July 2024, espouses good design and the world’s highest environmental ‘Passivhaus’ certification for low carbon buildings. Over a decade ago the then Prince Charles stated “As over 60 per cent of our carbon emissions can be attributed to the built environment, all of us who are involved with the making of place have a great responsibility”.
In honour of the King’s longstanding advocation for good architecture and building greener, this council resolves to dedicate its flagship leisure centre development to King Charles III.”
Motion 4
Proposed by Councillor John Boughtflower Seconded by Councillor Maureen Attewell
“The rising cost of living and the energy crisis are some of the biggest challenges of the moment. This will hit communities over the winter months and cause a huge amount of uncertainty, stress and misery.
In July, meetings with foodbanks and voluntary organisations took place to gain an understanding of how the crisis is impacting Spelthorne’s communities.
This Council agrees to direct £200k of funding to establish a Hardship Fund that can be used to support those in crisis, and support local community groups in direct contact with our communities.” Minutes: In accordance with Standing Order 16 the Council received four written Notices of Motions.
Motion 1:
Councillor M Beecher moved and Councillor M Gibson seconded the following motion:
“Until such times as the Spelthorne Local Plan 2022-2037 and Staines Development Framework as approved for Regulation 19 consultation and submission to the Planning Inspectorate are formally adopted by this Council that the policies within the Staines Development Framework be adopted temporarily for all council owned assets within the catchment area of the development framework”
After a debate Councillor Beecher advised Council that in accordance with Standing Orders 18.8 he would withdraw his motion so that it could be considered at the appropriate Committee.
Council resolved that it should be considered by the Corporate Policy and Resources Committee before a final decision was made at the next meeting of the Council on 08 December 2022.
The meeting was adjourned at 21.15 The meeting reconvened at 21.25
Councillor T Lagden did not return to the Chamber
Motion 2:
Councillor R Sider BEM moved and Councillor C Barnard seconded the following motion:
“That following the introduction and distribution of the Local Government Association (LGA) Inclusive Language Guide to 359 councils in England and Wales, aimed at embedding equality, diversity and inclusion, this Council welcomes a further review of this guide following feedback from the LGA’s members”
The motion was carried
Councillor J Boughtflower moved and Councillor M Attewell seconded the following motion:
“Spelthorne’s flagship leisure centre development, due to open in July 2024, espouses good design and the world’s highest environmental ‘Passivhaus’ certification for low carbon buildings. Over a decade ago the then Prince Charles stated “As over 60 per cent of our carbon emissions can be attributed to the built environment, all of us who are involved with the making of place have a great responsibility”.
In honour of the King’s longstanding advocation for good architecture and building greener, this Council resolves to dedicate its flagship leisure centre development to King Charles III.
The motion was carried
It was proposed by Councillor C Bateson and seconded by Councillor C Barnard that Standing Orders be suspended to allow the meeting to continue beyond 10pm and this was agreed by Council.
Motion 4:
Councillor J Boughtflower moved and Councillor S Mooney seconded the following motion:
“The rising cost of living and the energy crisis are some of the biggest challenges of the moment. This will hit communities over the winter months and cause a huge amount of uncertainty, stress and misery.
In July, meetings with foodbanks and voluntary organisations took place to gain an understanding of how the crisis is impacting Spelthorne’s communities.
This Council agrees to direct £200k of funding to establish a Hardship Fund that can be used to support those in crisis, and support local community groups in direct contact with our communities”.
The motion was carried
The Leader, or his nominee, to answer questions from Councillors on matters affecting the Borough, in accordance with Standing Order 14. Minutes: It was proposed by Councillor I Beardsmore and seconded by Councillor C Bateson that Standing Orders be suspended to allow the meeting to continue to close of business and this was agreed by Council.
The Mayor reported that two general questions had been received, in accordance with Standing Order 15, from Councillors Sider and Howkins.
Question 1 from Councillor Sider:
The Green Flag Award scheme managed by the environmental charity Keep Britain Tidy recognizes and rewards well managed parks and green spaces across the United Kingdom. For the 12th year in succession the Sunbury Walled Garden and Staines Cemetery have been awarded Green Flag status. Will the Leader of the council join me in acknowledging this accolade, and in doing so agree with me that this demonstrates both the hard work, pride and commitment, that our staff have to the wellbeing of this borough?
Response from The Leader, Councillor Boughtflower:
We are very proud that our efforts to create beautiful parks and cemeteries have been recognised again with such a prestigious Green Flag award. It is a testament to our team’s dedication and hard work to deliver places people love to visit and we hope current and future residents will continue to do so for many years to come. I am sure we all join Cllr Sider in recognising the award and the parks teams who manage our parks, cemeteries and open spaces.
Question 2 from Councillor Howkins:
In respect of the Local Plan how much more money and time will be wasted on this, will it be months or years, let alone Spelthorne Officials time and Councillors time?
Response from The Chair of Environment & Sustainability Committee, Councillor Beardsmore:
As officers stated at the Environment & Sustainability Committee meeting on 11 October, they are on track to submit the Local Plan to the Planning Inspectorate by the end of November. This is likely to mean the examination will take place around March and April next year. I completely agree that it is vital we get this Plan adopted as soon as possible after so many months if not years of delay so that we can benefit from the protections it will offer us when planning applications are submitted on sites we don’t want developed. Not just on Green Belt but also the smaller pockets of land in the urban area that are important to our residents by designating them as Local Green Space. Now that this Council has agreed the Local Plan can proceed, we must let our officers get on with the job and leave the debate for the examination where those who still don’t support it can take up their concerns with the inspector.