Venue: Council Chamber. Council Offices, Knowle Green, Staines-upon-Thames TW18 1XB
Contact: Karen Wyeth Email:
No. | Item | ||||||||||||||||||
To confirm as a correct record the minutes of the Council meeting held on 08 December 2022, the Extraordinary Council meeting held on 08 December 2022, and the Extraordinary Council meeting held on 02 February 2023. Additional documents:
Minutes: The minutes of the Council Extraordinary meeting held on 08 December 2022 were agreed as a correct record.
The minutes of the Council meeting held on 08 December 2022 and 02 February 2023 were agreed as a correct record.
Disclosures of Interest To receive any disclosures of interest from Councillors in accordance with the Council’s Code of Conduct for Members. Minutes: Meeting held 23 February 2023
Councillor T Fidler declared a conflict of interest in item 9, Pay Award 2023/24, and item 10, Pay Policy Statement 2023/24 as he had a family member who worked for the Council. He advised he would not be taking part in the debate nor voting on those items.
Councillors M Attewell, S Mooney and J Sexton advised that they were Surrey County Councillors.
Meeting held 02 March 2023
Councillors M Attewell, S Mooney and J Sexton advised that they were Surrey County Councillors. |
Announcements from the Mayor To receive any announcements from the Mayor. Minutes: The Mayor made the following announcements:
“Good evening, it has been a very busy time for me since the last Council meeting, with a large number of events.
I was asked to attend the 1st Stanwell Scouts to present awards
I attended a Cost of Living Crisis event in the Elmsleigh Centre where stalls were manned by organisations in Spelthorne, allowing residents to talk to organisations that may be able to help them during the Cost of Living Crisis.
I visited the Right at Home Organisation in Sunbury to hear from them about their new service for residents with regards to Dementia Care.
I attended the Shepperton Aurora Rotary Club Youth Speaks event that was held over two sessions in the Chamber at Knowle Green. I was very impressed by the depth of knowledge that the proposers and opposers had on their chosen subject to debate.
A visit to Staines Prep School was undertaken
I was honoured to be invited to the Raising of flag on Holocaust Memorial Day at Knowle Green.
I attended a Burns Night event at St Mathews Church, Ashford.
Presentation of cheques to charities by Staines Rotary Club.
I spent a lovely time on Walkabouts in Ashford, Sunbury and Shepperton shopping areas with Andy Willmott talking to local business owners
I was asked to attend the Civic Awards Committee
I attended Aurora Rotary Club breakfast meeting where I was asked to speak about my experience as a Councillor and up to the present time as Mayor of Spelthorne.
Spelthorne were contacted by the Japan Local Government Centre who asked is we wanted to host four Japanese Local Government experts who were studying recent trends and movements in local government pay and HR Policy in England. They were welcomed, spoke to officers and me and were treated to a lovely traditional afternoon tea.
A fun time was spent at the Stanwell WI where a quiz was being held
Met with Director of Thames Club in Staines.
Forthcoming Events:
Mayor’s Charity Music Night at Sunbury Cricket Club on 10 March The Mayor’s Charity Ball on 25 March to be held at the Runnymede on Thames Hotel and Spa Afternoon Tea and Hanging Basket Demonstration on 21 April at Squires Garden Centre, Upper Halliford
Tickets for these events are still available so if any members would like to attend any one of these events please speak to Maxine Cole, the Mayoral PA & Civic Events Officer at Knowle Green.”
Announcements from the Leader To receive any announcements from the Leader. Minutes: The Leader made the following announcements:
“Last week this Council hosted representatives from the Surrey Community Safety Partnership to discuss the co-ordinated approach to the investigations an ongoing community engagement following the racially aggravated assault which place near Thomas Knyvett School in Ashford on 06 February 2023. The Partnership strongly agrees that there is no place for racism in Surrey and the incident must be met by a unified response from key partners that support all communities in the Borough. We understand that challenges lie ahead. By working together, racism, discrimination and intolerance can be reduced by bringing together communities through improved cohesion and education. We know that a number of children were involved in this incident and our priority as a partnership is to ensure that they are all appropriately supported and safeguarded.
In January we launched cashless parking in all council owned car parks. The launch of RingoGo offers motorists the option to pay for parking on their smartphone. The current payment options of cash, contactless and chip and pin are still available.
The Council has submitted a planning application to redevelop the Oast House site on Kingston Road in Staines-upon-Thames. As part of the Council’s commitment to deliver more affordable homes, the development plans include 184 affordable one and two-bedroom homes. The plans also include proposals for a new health and wellbeing centre and the refurbishment of the Oast House for community use.
Revised plans have also been submitted for an application to build 105 one and two-bedroomed apartments for private rent at Thameside House on South Street in Staines-upon-Thames. The scheme also includes over 36,000 square feet of energy efficient office space which the Council plans to lease. Several changes were made to the plans in response to feedback received during the consultation phase, including a reduction in the height of the development from 15 storeys to 11.
The Mayor of Spelthorne, on behalf of this authority and leaders of all political parties in the Borough, has written to Transport for London and The Mayor of London regarding the implications for our residents and businesses in Spelthorne of the extended London Ultra Low Emission Zone (ULEZ). Whilst we are supportive of the need to improve air quality, we cannot support the extended ULEZ in its current form and we are asking for much stronger engagement from TFL and that the consequences for our community are fully assessed.
The Coronation of His Majesty the King will take place on Saturday 06 May 2023. If you are thinking of organising a street party, you will need to apply for a temporary road closure and the deadline to apply is 17 March 2023. You might be eligible for a small Better Neighbourhood Grant for your street party and the deadline to apply is 28 April 2023. Please speak to your Ward Councillor for further information. There will be many events across the borough celebrating the Coronation and we have a dedicated web page which is regularly updated. The Council ... view the full minutes text for item 8/23 |
Announcements from the Chief Executive To receive any announcements from the Chief Executive. Minutes: The Chief Executive made the following announcements: “The Spelthorne Civic Trust will be celebrating its 40th Anniversary at its annual Awards evening to be held at 7:30pm on Tuesday 18th April in this Council Chamber. On behalf of the Trustees, all members of this Chamber are duly invited to attend, and invitations were dispatched yesterday. Colleagues across this authority can rightfully be proud for what they collectively accomplish, included our outstanding partnership and cross service working in supporting our community and businesses - as concluded in the recent Corporate Challenge Peer Review Report. I will shortly be writing to the 7 Group Leaders and all independent members of this Chamber to invite them to meet with the full complement of senior managers to start considering and collectively addressing the recommendations”. As the Borough Returning Officer, please note that The Elections Act 2022 requires residents to show photographic ID at the polling station to vote in this year's all-out local elections to be held on Thursday 4 May. We have instigated a campaign to encourage residents to get ready for the change by checking if they have an acceptable form of ID. Anyone without ID can either apply for a free Voter Authority Certificate or a postal vote. All members will have now received formal correspondence from the Monitoring Officer outlining the guidelines and restrictions on publicity during the pre-election period that starts on 23 March 2023”.
Questions from members of the public The Leader, or his nominee, to answer any questions raised by members of the public in accordance with Standing Order 13. Minutes:
The Mayor reported that, under Standing Order 14, five questions had been received from members of the public.
Question from A McLuskey:
“Given concern over recent flooding in Spelthorne, can the Leader explain what has been done since the 2014 inundations to protect life and prosperity in the area?”
Response from Councillor I Beardsmore, Chair of the Environment and Sustainability Committee:
“Thank you for your question, Mr McLuskey. At the time of the floods in 2014, a considerable amount of assistance was given to those affected by the flooding from the River Thames. Property protection advice and grants were subsequently given to the owners of properties likely to flood in order to help build resilience. However, the key scheme to mitigate any future flooding is the River Thames Scheme, which is now progressing well, having secured the necessary funding to build it. This Council has demonstrated its support for the scheme by committing to provide a £1.3m capital contribution towards the development costs.
As this is a large infrastructure project there are inevitably processes to go through, including the need to obtain a Development Consent Order, all of which take time. At present this scheme is in the pre-application stage and it is anticipated that following the required consultation processes, the Development Consent Order should be submitted to the Planning Inspectorate in winter 2024. If successful in the planning process, construction of this scheme would then start in winter 2026, with completion scheduled for winter 2030.
Surrey County Council is the strategic flood risk authority and also responsible for surface water flooding, but we have worked closely with Surrey’s team to identify causes of surface water flooding in the Borough and put in measures to mitigate that flooding, including in areas such as Guildford Street and Milton Gardens.
We are very aware of the potential significant flooding issues in the Borough, and not only work closely with partners to address the issues, but also have in place comprehensive emergency plans should flooding occur.”
Question from Julie Fegredo:
“Are the Councillors that are reported in the local government report on Spelthorne abusing their powers in asking for preferential services and disregarding the fair allocation of resources for all our borough being investigated and sanctioned – if not, why not?”
Response from the Leader of the Council, Councillor Boughtflower:
“Thank you, Madam Mayor. As this question relates to the Standards Committee, I will ask the Council’s Monitoring Officer to provide a response.”
The Monitoring Officer responded as follows:
“Thank you, Madam Mayor. The Council’s Standards Committee supports the Monitoring Officer to promote and maintain high standards of conduct by councillors. In order to achieve this, the Council has adopted the Local Government Association model Code of Conduct. Any breaches of this code is subject to has a formal complaints system which all councillors are aware of. This sets out the proper process for potential breaches of the Code of Conduct, which deals with councillor behaviours. It can be found ... view the full minutes text for item 10/23 |
The decision taken by the Administrative Committee on 19 January 2023 to appointment three Trustees for the Laleham Charities, for a four year period ending December 2026, is subject to a call-in, in line with the Council’s call-in procedure rules.
Council are asked to review the decision made by the Administrative Committee and to make a final decision as to the appointment of the Trustees.
Report to follow. Additional documents:
Council considered the Call-in of the decision taken by the Administrative Committee on 19 January 2023 and the appointment of three Trustees for the Laleham Charities.
Council resolved to overturn the decision of the Administrative Committee.
The Council resolved to appoint Richard Stokes, Mavis Duncan, and Geoff Want as Representative Trustees to Laleham Charities Village Hall and Recreation Grounds for a four year period.
To consider and approve the staff pay award for 2023/24.
Note: Some agenda items being discussed at Corporate Policy and Resources Committee on 20 February 2023 may impact on this report and it may require updating to account for that Committee’s decision after the meeting. Minutes:
Council considered a report that sought approval of the staff pay award for 2023/24.
Council resolved to approve the staff pay award for 2023/24 as follows:
Pay Policy Statement 2023/24 To consider the Pay Policy Statement.
Note: Some agenda items being discussed at Corporate Policy and Resources Committee on 20 February 2023 may impact on this report and it may require updating to account for that Committee’s decision after the meeting.
Additional documents:
Council considered a report that sought approval of the Pay Policy Statement.
Council resolved to approve the Pay Policy Statement. |
Treasury Management Strategy 2023/24 To consider the Treasury Management Strategy Statement 2023/24.
Note: Some agenda items being discussed at Corporate Policy and Resources Committee on 20 February 2023 may impact on this report and it may require updating to account for that Committee’s decision after the meeting.
Additional documents:
18:52 Councillor Leighton arrived at the meeting.
Council considered a report which outlined the Treasury Management Strategy 2023/24.
Council resolved to:
2. Note the Treasury Management Practices (TMP) and Schedules. |
Capital Strategy 2023 to 2024 To agree the Capital Strategy for 2023 to 2024.
Note: Some agenda items being discussed at Corporate Policy and Resources Committee on 20 February 2023 may impact on this report and it may require updating to account for that Committee’s decision after the meeting.
Additional documents:
Council considered a report which sought approval of the Capital Strategy 2023 to 2024.
Council resolved to agree the Capital Strategy 2023 to 2024. |
Capital Programme 2023/24 to 2026/27 To approve the proposed Capital Programme for 2023/24 to 2027/28.
Note: Some agenda items being discussed at Corporate Policy and Resources Committee on 20 February 2023 may impact on this report and it may require updating to account for that Committee’s decision after the meeting.
Additional documents:
Council considered a report which sought approval of the proposed Capital Programme 2023/24 to 2027/28.
Council resolved to agree the Capital Programme 2023/24 to 2027/28.
In accordance with Standing Order 21.6, Councillor Nichols requested that his vote against the item be recorded. |
Fees & Charges 2023/24 To approve the proposed fees and charges for 2023/24.
Note: Some agenda items being discussed at Corporate Policy and Resources Committee on 20 February 2023 may impact on this report and it may require updating to account for that Committee’s decision after the meeting.
Additional documents:
Council considered a report on the proposed fees and charges for 2023/24.
Council resolved to agree the fees and charges for 2023/24. |
Detailed Budget 2023/24 To consider the detailed Revenue Budget for 2023-24.
Note: Some agenda items being discussed at Corporate Policy and Resources Committee on 20 February 2023 may impact on this report and it may require updating to account for that Committee’s decision after the meeting. Additional documents:
Council considered the Detailed Revenue Budget for 2023-24.
The representative of the Labour party wished to place on record their thanks to the finance team.
In accordance with standing order 5, It was proposed by Councillor Fidler, seconded by Councillor Barnard and resolved to continue the meeting until the finish of the consideration of this item.
Council resolved to approve:
a. The Revenue estimates as set out in Appendix 1 be approved. b. No funds, as set out in this report are to appropriate from General Reserves in support of Spelthorne’s local Council tax for 2023-24. c. To agree that the Council Tax base for the year 2023- 24 is 40,551 Band D equivalent dwellings calculated in accordance with regulation 3 of the Local Authorities (Calculation of Council tax base) Regulations 1992, as amended, made under Section 35(5) of the Local Government Finance Act 1992.
That the following sums be now calculated by the Council for the year 2023-24 in accordance with Section 31 to 36 of the Local Government Act 1992.
Disabled Facilities Grant Framework Approval Council are asked to:
1. Authorise the Group Head of Community Wellbeing and Housing to enter a procurement exercise for a DFG Contractor Framework or dynamic Purchasing System (DPS), and 2. Authorise the Head of Corporate Governance to execute the required documentation to conclude with a framework agreement or dynamic purchasing system (DPS) with suitable Contractors as appropriate.
Additional documents: Minutes:
Items 16 to 25 were considered at the Carry Over Meeting Held on 02 March 2023
Council considered a report which sought approval of the Disabled Facilities Grant Framework or a Dynamic Purchasing System (DPS)
It was proposed by Councillor A Mitchell and seconded by Councillor N Gething and resolved that:
1. The Group Head of Community Wellbeing and Housing enter a procurement exercise for a Disabled Facilities Grant Contractor Framework or a Dynamic Purchasing System; and
2. The Group Head of Corporate Governance execute the required documentation to conclude with a framework agreement or a dynamic purchasing system with suitable contractors as appropriate. |
Calendar of Meetings 2023-2024 To agree the proposed schedule of Council and Committee meetings for the period from August 2023 to August 2024. Additional documents:
Council considered a report which sought approval of the proposed schedule of Council and Committee meetings for 2023-2024.
It was proposed by Councillor A Mitchell and seconded by Councillor N Gething and resolved that Council approve the Calendar of Meetings for 2023-2024 as set out in the report.
Withdrawal from Spelthorne Joint Committee To approve the cessation of all the Borough Council’s non-executive and advisory functions from the Spelthorne Joint Committee’s remit and that the functions be delegated to the appropriate committee.
Note: Some agenda items being discussed at Standards Committee on 16 February 2023 may impact on this report and it may require updating to account for that Committee’s decision after the meeting.
Additional documents:
Council considered a report which sought approval for the cessation of all the Borough Council’s non-executive and advisory functions from the Spelthorne Joint Committee’s remit and that the function be delegated to the appropriate committee.
It was proposed by Councillor I Beardsmore and seconded by Councillor I Harvey that the Leader of the Council write to the Leader of Surrey County Council to express our disappointment that the Spelthorne Joint Committee is being abolished and request details of any planned replacement mechanism. It was suggested that the Chief Executive or officers assist with the drafting of the aforementioned letter.
Council agreed this proposal and to also amend the second part of the recommendation.
Council resolved to approve:
2. those functions be delegated to the appropriate Committee as set out in Paragraphs 3.5 to 3.10 within the report in accordance with Appendix B of the report. |
Local Government Association Corporate Peer Challenge Feedback Report To note the contents of the Local Government Association’s Corporate Peer Challenge report and the recommendations contained within that report, and agree to the development of an action plan to address those recommendations. Additional documents:
Council considered the feedback report from the Local Government Association Corporate Peer Challenge.
It was proposed by Councillor A Mitchell and seconded by Councillor N Gething that Council agree the recommendations as outlined in the report.
Council agreed that the wording in Recommendation 2 be amended to “to agree to the development of an Action Plan to address those recommendations and for this to be directed through the Corporate Policy & Recsources Committee”.
Councillor C Bateson requested a recorded vote be taken.
For: Cllrs D Saliagopoulos, C Barnard, R Barratt, C Bateson, I Beardsmore, A Brar, R Chandler, S Dunn, T Fidler, N Gething, K Grant, A Harman, H Harvey, I Harvey, K Howkins, V Leighton, A Mitchell, L Nichols, O Rybinski, J Sexton, R Sider BEM, B Spoor, S Whitmore (23)
Against: (0)
Abstain: Councillor M Beecher (1)
Council resolved to:
2. agree to the development of an Action Plan to address those recommendations and for this to be directed through the Corporate Policy & Resources Committee. |
Councillor DBS Checks To agree Disclosure and Barring Service Checks for Councillors.
Note: Some agenda items being discussed at Standards Committee on 16 February 2023 may impact on this report and it may require updating to account for that Committee’s decision after the meeting.
Additional documents: Minutes:
Council considered a report that sought approval of Disclosure and Barring Service (DBS) Checks for Councillors.
It was proposed by Councillor A Mitchell and seconded by Councillor N Gething that the recommendations outlined in the report be agreed.
It was proposed by Councillor Mooney and seconded by Councillor Bateson that a further recommendation of “to agree that DBS checks for members be undertaken by the Council.” be added to the report.
Council resolved to:
a) Approve the introduction of Basic Disclosure and Barring Service checks (DBS) for all councillors; b) Agree to adopt the DBS Checks for Members Protocol for inclusion in the Council’s Constitution, and c) Agree to delegate to the Monitoring Officer to make the necessary amendments to the terms of reference of the Standards Committee, to include the resolution of issues concerning the discharge of members’ roles in light of DBS check responses.
2. Agree that DBS checks for members be undertaken by the Council. |
Induction Programme 2023 To approve the Member’s Induction Programme 2023.
Note: Some agenda items being discussed at Standards Committee on 16 February 2023 may impact on this report and it may require updating to account for that Committee’s decision after the meeting.
Additional documents:
Council considered a report that sought approval of the Member Induction Programme 2023.
It was proposed by Councillor A Mitchell and seconded by Councillor N Gething and resolved that Council:
3. Authorise the Monitoring Officer to amend the Members’ Code of Conduct in accordance with Appendix C of the report. |
Appointment of Independent Member of the Audit Committee To consider the appointment of Mr Philip Briggs as the independent member of the Audit Committee, following a recommendation from the Appointments Committee.
Report to follow. Minutes:
Council considered a report on the appointment of the Independent Member to the Audit Committee.
It was proposed by Councillor A Mitchell and seconded by Councillor H Harvey and resolved that Council appoint Philip Briggs as the Independent Member of the Audit Committee.
Reports from the Committee Chairs To receive and agree the reports from the Committee Chairs.
Additional documents:
The Chairs of the Committees presented reports which outlined the matters their Committees had considered since the last Council meeting.
Council resolved to note the Chair’s reports. |
Motions To receive any motions from Councillors in accordance with Standing Order 16.
Motion 1
Proposed by Councillor S Mooney Seconded by Councillor C Bateson
The Community Infrastructure Levy (CIL) allows the council to raise funds from some forms of new development to help fund the infrastructure needed to mitigate the impacts of new development. CIL funds are used for either local infrastructure or infrastructure of wider strategic benefit to the borough. An initial 5% of CIL funds collected is retained by the council for administration purposes and 15% of the funds are allocated in local areas to infrastructure projects which are required in the communities where development took place.
With this in mind, I urge that this Council agrees that strategic CIL bids to support infrastructure in Staines are given significant weight in decision-making on CIL expenditure to reflect the quantum of development in Staines and the amount of funding these schemes contribute to the pot.
In accordance with Standing Order 16 the Council received one written Notices of Motion.
Councillor Mooney moved and Councillor Bateson seconded the following motion:
“The Community Infrastructure Levy (CIL) allows the council to raise funds from some forms of new development to help fund the infrastructure needed to mitigate the impacts of new development. CIL funds are used for either local infrastructure or infrastructure of wider strategic benefit to the borough. An initial 5% of CIL funds collected is retained by the council for administration purposes and 15% of the funds are allocated in local areas to infrastructure projects which are required in the communities where development took place.
With this in mind, I urge that this Council agrees that strategic CIL bids to support infrastructure in Staines are given significant weight in decision-making on CIL expenditure to reflect the quantum of development in Staines and the amount of funding these schemes contribute to the pot.”
In accordance with Standing Order 21.6, Councillor Beardsmore requested that his vote against the motion be recorded.
A recorded vote was requested
For: Councillors D Saliagopoulos, C Bateson, M Beecher, S Mooney (4)
Against: Councillors C Barnard, R Barratt, I Beardsmore, A Brar, R Chandler, T Fidler, N Gething, A Harman, H Harvey, I Harvey, K Howkins, V Leighton, A Mitchell, L Nichols, O Rybinski, R Sider (16)
Abstain: Councillors M Attewell, S Dunn, K Grant, J Sexton, B Spoor, S Whitmore (6)
The motion FELL. |
The Leader, or his nominee, to answer questions from Councillors on matters affecting the Borough, in accordance with Standing Order 14.
This item was deferred to the next Council meeting on 20 April 2023.
Exclusion of Press and Public To move the exclusion of the Press/Public for the following items, in view of the likely disclosure of exempt information within the meaning of Part 1 of Schedule 12A to the Local Government Act 1972, as amended by the Local Government (Access to Information) Act 1985 and by the Local Government (Access to information) (Variation) Order 2006.
Items 26 and 27 on the agenda were dealt with at the meeting held on 23 February 2023
Integrated Insurance Service - Spelthorne Borough Council & the London Borough of Sutton This item is exempt as it contains exempt information within the meaning of Part 1 of Schedule 12A to the Local Government Act 1972, as amended by the Local Government (Access to Information) Act 1985 and by the Local Government (Access to information) (Variation) Order 2006 Paragraph 3 – Information relating to the financial or business affairs of any particular person (including the authority holding that information) and in all the circumstances of the case, the public interest in maintaining the exemption outweighs the public interest in disclosing the information because, disclosure to the public would prejudice the financial position of the authority in any lease, contract or other type of negotiation with the tenant or developer, who could then know the position of the Council. Minutes:
Council considered a report regarding a proposed integrated insurance service between Spelthorne Borough Council and the London Borough of Sutton.
It was proposed by Councill J Boughtflower and seconded by Councillor N Gething that Council approve the recommendations as set out in the report.
Council resolved to agree the recommendations within the report.