Venue: Council Chamber. Council Offices, Knowle Green, Staines-upon-Thames TW18 1XB
Contact: Karen Wyeth Email:
No. | Item | ||||||
To confirm as a correct record the minutes of the Annual Council meeting held on 25 May 2023 and the Extraordinary Council Meeting held 06 June 2023. Additional documents: Minutes: The minutes of the Council meeting held on 25 May 2023 and the Extraordinary Council meeting held 06 June 2023 were agreed as a correct record.
Disclosures of Interest To receive any disclosures of interest from Councillors in accordance with the Council’s Code of Conduct for Members aside from those members that are also Surrey County Councillors. Minutes: Councillors Attewell, Boparai and Sexton advised that they were also Surrey County Councillors.
The Mayor advised that she today had a non-pecuniary interest in Item 11, Local Plan – Critical Review Friend and stated that she would not take part in the debate nor vote on this item. |
Announcements from the Mayor To receive any announcements from the Mayor. Minutes: The Mayor provided the following announcements to the Council:
“It has been a very busy time and a big thank you to our Council staff who have assisted me. Too many engagements to list here but suffice it to say that I am getting around the Borough as much as I can.
Last weekend was the Open Day at St Peter’s Hospital Trust it was great to represent you there. We have had the famous “Staines upon Thames” Day which included our own Deputy Chief Exec, Terry Collier and I judging Classic Cars! Thank you Terry for accompanying my Consort and me throughout the day. I also attended the Business Awards and the launch of the Business Awards competition. I visited Shepperton Fair this year. What a magnificent day and my thanks to all my Shepperton colleagues for making me so welcome. I have travelled as far as Farnham to attend their Civic Service as well as visiting Waverley for theirs. There will be lots going on and lots of opportunities for you to attend functions too.
Please invite me to your Ward or your schools and I will do my best to be there. Next Month will include details of my Charities and my Charity Committee who are working hard in the background. I will also let you have details of the Mayor’s Facebook page and web page. Thank you to you all for entrusting me with this wonderful role on your behalf”. |
Announcements from the Leader To receive any announcements from the Leader. Minutes: The Leader made the following announcements:
The Council’s Housing Team hosted the Spelthorne Homelessness Prevention Forum on the 05 July. Over the past few years, some of our most vulnerable residents have been given a new lease of life because of the work of the Housing Team and this was recognised when they were announced as finalists for Team of the Year at this year’s MJ Awards. The team have led in many innovative housing schemes and services including the step-down service for people being discharged from hospital, the conversion of part of the Council offices to provide affordable housing for people on the housing register, and the White House and Harper House schemes which provide accommodation for homeless people and families in need of emergency accommodation.
Spelthorne hosted an interactive eco-conference for pupils from local primary schools on the 03 July. Led by environmentalist Phil Williams, the ‘Action Speaks Louder’ conference covered a range of topics including the climate emergency, waste, exploitation, deforestation, pollution, plastics, fast fashion and transportation.
The final of the Spelthorne Business Plan Competition was held recently at BP in Sunbury. Six finalists pitched in a Dragon’s Den style final for the chance to win £3,500 and a year’s package of business support to help them get their business started. The standard of the entries was extremely high again this year and after much deliberation, first place was awarded to Natalie Morris of Doodlekids which supports children with special needs through art, creativity, positivity and wellbeing.
Young people aged between 7 and 16 from across Spelthorne attended the Surrey Youth Games in June. Free sessions in a range of sports including swimming, dance, tennis, street basketball, judo and non-contact boxing were organised by the Council in the run up to the event with the aim of giving children the opportunity to get more involved in sport. The emphasis was on joining in, having a go, learning new skills and boosting confidence. A fun day was had by all the children and there was lots of positive feedback from parents. The Council would like to say a massive well done to everyone who took part and made it such a fantastic day.
I am delighted that we will soon be reaching the mid-point ‘topping out’ milestone for our new Leisure Centre. The project will include an eight lane 25m main pool, learner pool, splash pad and spa. Further sports facilities include a 6-court sports hall, three squash courts, 950 square metres of fitness space, two studios, one spin studio and a multi-use room which combines to create two further badminton courts. As well as providing fantastic facilities ... view the full minutes text for item 66/23 |
Announcements from the Chief Executive To receive any announcements from the Chief Executive. Minutes: The Chief Executive made the following announcements:
“Following the external Peer Review carried out at the end of last year by the Local Government Association - in which Spelthorne was identified as a good performing authority that delivers tangible results for residents and businesses alike – that was followed with the commissioning of a Corporate Establishment Review at the beginning of this year. Its comprehensive terms of reference included the review of the complete organisational structure and alignment of services under the senior management team; rate of recruitment and retention; digital transformation; scope for creating shared services with local authorities; and recommendations from staff audits and Peer Reviews.
A procurement exercise followed, with the South East Employers Group undertaking the establishment review and reported its findings to the Corporate Policy and Resource Committee 48 hours ago. Their review concluded that the Council, in line with high performing authorities: was constantly reviewing, refining and innovating to meet the objectives of its Corporate Plan and its defined priorities; and that it was achieving cost efficiencies and generating income to invest back into communities to improve lives of residents and businesses.
As Head of Paid Services, I was pleased to have reaffirmed that the Council was at the forefront of transformational innovation in how customers were provided with access to services; that there was clear evidence of workforce adaptability and a high level of resilience in how the Council deploys staff, transitions to new ways of working and continues to deliver services; and that there was a high level of trust in the senior managers in creating a safe environment to thrive and a sense of being ‘one council’.
I should like to place on record our thanks to HR colleagues for supporting this externally conducted and independent review and in particular to Jennifer McNeil, South East Employers Group Regional Director for leading this Corporate Establishment Review.
Madam Mayor, as a result of the Home Office’s approach to closing bridging hotels for Afghan families in August including the Mercure Hotel in Staines-upon-Thames, the Council needs to make urgent decisions about procurement of temporary accommodation of families. The Home Office imposed deadline is the 16thAugust and we anticipate that approximately 20 of the 27 families in the hotel may present themselves to the Council, at least initially, as homeless.
The policy framework and support on offer from the Home Office is very fluid, so whilst the Veterans Minister made an announcement yesterday (18th July) about providing some support for families with matched funding, the Home Office is still finalising its policy guidance and it is not yet clear whether there would be sufficient financial support.
The ECM report for consideration, detailing the varying options for how this authority needs to procure roughly 20 properties or circa 62 rooms in hotels with an associated gross cost of procuring for up to six months potentially exceeding £1m, members will appreciate why the decision needs to be taken by full Council. The imperative ... view the full minutes text for item 67/23 |
Questions from members of the public The Leader, or his nominee, to answer any questions raised by members of the public in accordance with Standing Order 13.
There were no public questions received. Minutes: The Mayor reported that, under Standing Order 14, no questions had been received from the public.
Appointment to Outside Body - Deputy Armed Forces Champion Council are asked to approve the position of Deputy Armed Forces Champion and elect a member to this role. Minutes: Council considered the creation of a Deputy Armed Forces Champion.
It was proposed by Councillor Sexton and seconded by Councillor Bateson to create the role of Deputy Armed Forces Champion.
Council resolved to create the role of Deputy Armed Forces Champion.
It was proposed by Councillor Sexton and seconded by Councillor Boughtflower that Councillor Clarke should be made Deputy Armed Forces Champion.
Council resolved that Councillor Clarke be made Deputy Armed Forces Champion. |
Council is asked to agree the appointment of the Chair and Vice-Chair of the Development Sub-Committee for the remainder of the Municipal Year. Minutes: Council considered a recommendation by the Development Sub-Committee to appoint Councillor Williams as Chair of the Development Sub-Committee and Councillor Beatty as the Vice-Chair of the Development Sub-Committee for the remainder of the municipal year.
Council resolved to appoint Councillor Williams as Chair of the Development Sub-Committee and Councillor Beatty the Vice-Chair of the Development Sub-Committee for the remainder of the municipal year. |
Report to follow. Additional documents:
Minutes: Council considered a report from the Deputy Monitoring Officer, presented by the Independent Chair of the Standards Committee, advising that the Standards Sub-Committee at its hearing held 25 April 2023, had considered a report by the investigating officer which had concluded that Councillor Lawrence Nichols had breached the Authority’s Code of Conduct in relation to the matters identified. The Standards Sub-Committee had decided that the following sanctions would be put in place: a public apology would be made at the next convenient meeting of Full Council; and at the next convenient meeting of the Council a formal motion would be put before the Chamber to consider censure.
It was proposed by Councillor Williams and seconded by Councillor McLuskey and resolved that the public and press be excluded during the discussion of this item, in accordance with paragraph 1 of Part 1 of Schedule 12A of the Local Government Act 1972 (as amended).
A recorded vote was requested by Councillor A McLuskey.
Council resolved to not censure Councillor L Nichols.
Councillor Nichols made the following statement to Council:
“In April last year I misaddressed an email containing confidential information to two external email addresses. The Standards Committee have determined that this action was accidental but considered it to be reckless, in that I should have taken greater care – a finding that I accept. Accordingly, I apologise to the Council for this error on my part and undertake to ensure that this doesnot happen again”.
The meeting adjourned at 20:23.
The meeting reconvened at 20:45.
In accordance with Standing Order 23.4, it was moved by the Mayor, seconded and resolved that Councillor A McLuskey not be heard further.
Councillor A McLuskey left the meeting at 20:52.
Local Plan - Critical Friend Review To consider the specification of work to be undertaken by the critical friend and the timetable. Additional documents: Minutes: Council considered a report on the specification of work to be undertaken by the Critical Friend and a suggested timetable for that work.
It was proposed by Councillor J Sexton and seconded by Councillor C Bateson that Council agree the specification of work to be undertaken by the critical friend and the timetable as set out in the report.
A recorded vote was requested by Councillor J Boughtflower.
Resolved to agree the specification of work to be undertaken by the Critical Friend as set out in Appendix A of the report and the timetable at paragraph 11.2 of the report. |
Reports from the Committee Chairs To receive and agree the reports from the Committee Chairs.
The Decision Notice for the Economic Development Committee that meets on 06 July 2023 is to follow. Additional documents:
Minutes: Council considered the Chair’s reports that outlined matters Committees had considered since the last Council meeting.
Council resolved to note the Chair’s reports that outlined the matters the Committees had considered since the last Council meeting.
Motions To receive any motions from Councillors in accordance with Standing Order 16.
Council are advised that no Motions were received for this meeting. Minutes: In accordance with Standing Order 16, the Council had received no written Notices of Motions.
The Leader, or his nominee, to answer questions from Councillors on matters affecting the Borough, in accordance with Standing Order 14.
Four questions have been received from members (as per attached). Minutes: The Mayor reported that four general questions had been received, in accordance with Standing Order 15, from councillors.
Question One from Councillor Rybinski:
“In my view and based on my interactions with the local community, overwhelmingly residents consider the current Draft plan as the best compromise between our wishes and planning law. Why should we delay it any further and open all our communities up to the very real threat of predatory development?”
Response from the Leader, Councillor Sexton:
“May I remind you that Cllr Boughtflower together with ex Cllr Beardsmore and Cllr Harvey stated, then retracted the following statement. As you will recall from the Foreword to the Reg 19 Plan: ‘The Journey … has been divisive, bruising and at times unpleasant. It has fractured communities and turned councillors against each other.’
This short pause will give the Council some time to ensure that our plan which will shape Spelthorne for the next 15 years is the right one for the local communities of Spelthorne, taking account every possible option available. Recent and proposed changes to national policy provide more flexibility to local authorities in the way we balance the needs for housing with other priorities, including the role of the Green Belt and floodrisk, but also provide much more support around design and ensuring that whatever development is provided, it is of the highest quality and contributes positively to our existing places. As the elected representatives of our local communities, we owe it to them to make sure we have looked at every possible option to get the right plan – not just any plan – in place. Those who voted for this plan admitted that it was not a perfect outcome but nevertheless went along with it. We have asked officers to present a full risk assessment for the September meeting which will obviously look at the risks around ‘predatory development’.”
Question Two from Councillor Howkins:
“Spelthorne is constricted by two dates – the end of the three month ‘Pause’ on the 13 September 23 and the deadline of December 23 by which time all Local Planning Authorities in England must have a valid Local Plan (This is written policy from the Department of Levelling Up, Housing and Communities).
Please could you provide a written timetable detailing how and when the Review Councillor Training and Consultation will be dealt with, within what time frame.”
Response from the Leader, Councillor Sexton:
“Thank you Councillor Howkins for your question. Whilst the end of December 2023 may be the Government’s official position, given the current state of play with planning reform and specifically the forthcoming update to the NPPF, we believe there is unlikely to be any consequences for local authorities who do not meet this deadline, especially as a significant number of local planning authorities are at a much earlier stage in their local plan process than Spelthorne. In response to a similar question at the Council Meeting on the 6 June, officers stated that there was a ... view the full minutes text for item 75/23 |