Venue: Council Chamber. Council Offices, Knowle Green, Staines-upon-Thames TW18 1XB
Contact: Gary Lelliott Email:
Link: Members of the public may hear the proceedings by tuning into the Council's YouTube channel
No. | Item |
Disclosures of Interest To receive any disclosures of interest from Councillors in accordance with the Council’s Code of Conduct for Members. Minutes: There were no disclosures of interest. |
Review of seats on committees and sub-committees To undertake a review of seats and positions on committees and sub-committees, following the by-election in Laleham and Shepperton Green ward on 11 August 2022.
Documents to follow |
Allocation of seats on committees and sub-committees Pursuant to Section 15 of the Local Government and Housing Act 1989, to agree the representation of the different political groups on Committees.
Proportionality calculations attached.
Allocations to political groups attached. Additional documents: Minutes: The proportionality calculations, as published in the supplementary agenda, were noted.
It was resolved that consideration of this item be adjourned in accordance with Standing Order 17(k) to allow further discussions between a number of group leaders on the allocation of their seats and the membership of committees.
It was resolved to agree the allocation of seats to committees and sub-committees as tabled at the meeting and published in the supplementary agenda. |
Membership of committees and sub-committees To review the membership of the above-mentioned Committees and Sub-Committee, in accordance with the Council’s Constitution.
Appointments made at the meeting attached. Minutes: It was resolved to appoint members to committees and sub-committees as tabled at the meeting and published in the supplementary agenda. |
Chairs and vice-chairs of committees and sub-committees To review the chairs and vice-chairs of committees and sub-committees, in accordance with the Council’s Constitution.
Nominations from the Development Sub-Committee attached.
Chairs and vice-chairs agreed at the meeting attached. Additional documents: Minutes: It was resolved that Councillor Barnard be appointed as Chair of the Development Sub-Committee.
It was resolved that Councillor Attewell be appointed as Chair of the Community Wellbeing and Housing Committee.
It was resolved that Councillor Mooney be appointed as Chair of the Economic Development Committee.
It was resolved that Councillor Beardsmore be appointed as Chair of the Environment and Sustainability Committee.
It was resolved that Councillor Mr Barratt be appointed as Chair of the Neighbourhood Services and Enforcement Committee.
It was resolved that Councillor Islam be appointed as Chair of the Administrative Committee.
It was resolved that Councillor Mrs Harvey be appointed as Chair of the Audit Committee.
It was resolved that Councillor Sider BEM be appointed as Chair of the Licensing Committee.
It was resolved that Councillor Gething be appointed as Chair of the Planning Committee.
It was resolved that consideration of this item be adjourned in accordance with Standing Order 17(k) to allow further discussions between a number of group leaders on the allocation of remaining chair and vice-chair positions.
It was resolved that the meeting continue beyond the specified duration, in accordance with Standing Order 5.2.
It was resolved that Councillor Buttar be appointed as Vice-Chair of the Development Sub-Committee.
It was resolved that Councillor Rybinski be appointed as Vice-Chair of the Community Wellbeing and Housing Committee.
It was resolved that Councillor Fidler be appointed as Vice-Chair of the Economic Development Committee.
It was resolved that Councillor Noble be appointed as Vice-Chair of the Environment and Sustainability Committee.
It was resolved that Councillor Sexton be appointed as Vice-Chair of the Neighbourhood Services and Enforcement Committee.
It was resolved that Councillor Mr Doran be appointed as Vice-Chair of the Administrative Committee.
It was resolved that Councillor Button be appointed as Vice-Chair of the Audit Committee.
It was resolved that Councillor Siva be appointed as Vice-Chair of the Licensing Committee.
It was resolved that Councillor Gibson be appointed as Vice-Chair of the Planning Committee.
It was resolved that Councillor Boughtflower be appointed as Vice-Chair of the Spelthorne Joint Committee. |
Named substitutes to committees and sub-committees To review the named substitutes for committees and sub-committees, in accordance with the Council’s Constitution.
Names substitutes document attached. Minutes: It was resolved that:
1. The named substitutes listed in the supplementary agenda pack, as agreed at the annual meeting, be continued for the remainder of 2022/23 municipal year.
2. The previously agreed delegation to the Chief Executive Officer be noted i.e. to make amendments to the named substitutions for any political group during the 2022/23 municipal year, on receipt of a request from a group leader.
3. Where it had been required to reduce the number of named substitutes as a result of the review of committee appointments, any affected group may not use their substitutions until notification of amendments to the named substitutes, to bring them to the permitted number, was received by the Chief Executive Officer. |