Venue: Council Chamber. Council Offices, Knowle Green, Staines-upon-Thames TW18 1XB
Contact: Karen Wyeth Email:
No. | Item |
Disclosure of Interests To receive any disclosures of interest from Councillors in accordance with the Council’s Code of Conduct for Members.
Minutes: Councillors M Attewell, S Mooney and J Sexton advised that they were Surrey County Councillors. Councillor S Buttar advised that he was a Director on the Board of Knowle Green Estates. |
Urgent Item - Re-Appointment of Non-Executive Directors for Knowle Green Estates This item is to consent to the re-appointment of Anne Fillis and Darren Levy, the two Non-Executive Directors of Knowle Green Estates, for a further two year period.
Reason for Urgency:
The Corporate Policy and Resources Committee considered the attached report on 28 November 2022 and resolved to note the Annual report and to only re-appointment the Non-Executive Directors until the 26 January 2023 so that it could be considered at the Extraordinary Council Meeting. Their two year term has now expired so an urgent decision is required from Council.
Minutes: Council considered an urgent item for the re-appointment of the two Non-Directors, Anne Fillis and Darren Levy for Knowle Green Estates.
Reason for Urgency:
The Corporate Policy and Resources Committee considered a report on 28 November 2022 that asked the Committee to note the Knowle Green Estates Annual Report and to agree the re-appointment of the two Non-Executive Directors for a further two year period. The Committee resolved to note the Annual report and to only re-appointment the Non-Executive Directors until the 26 January 2023 so that it could be considered at an Extraordinary Council Meeting. Anne Fillis and Darren Levy’s previous two year appointment expired 21 January 2023 so an urgent decision was required from Council.
Council resolved to approve the re-appointment of Anne Fillis and Darren Levy, the two Non-Executive Directors of Knowle Green Estates for a further two-year term commencing 02 February 2023. |
Exclusion of Public & Press (Exempt Business) To move the exclusion of the public and press in order to discuss the following items in view of the likely disclosure of exempt information within the meaning of Schedule 12A of the Local Government Act 1972:
Minutes: |
Long Term Viability of the Council's Housing Delivery Programme Minutes:
Council considered a report on the Long Term Financial Viability of the Council’s Housing Delivery Programme.
Council resolved to approve the report.