Venue: Council Chamber, Knowle Green, Staines-upon-Thames, TW18 1XB
Contact: Karen Wyeth Email:
Link: Members of the public may hear the proceedings by tuning into the Council's YouTube channel
No. | Item |
To confirm the minutes of the meeting held on 5 January 2022 as a correct record. Minutes: The minutes of the meeting held on 5 January 2022 were approved as a correct record.
Disclosures of Interest To receive any disclosures of interest from councillors under the Councillors’ Code of Conduct, or contact with applicants/objectors under the Planning Code. Minutes: a) Disclosures of interest under the Members’ Code of Conduct
There were none.
b) Declarations of interest under the Council’s Planning Code
Councillors S Buttar, N Gething, R Noble, R W Sider BEM, R Smith-Ainsley and B Spoor reported that they had received correspondence in relation to application 21/00912/FUL, The Works, Langley Road, Staines but had maintained an impartial role, had not expressed any views and had kept an open mind.
Councillors S Buttar, J Doran, R Noble, R W Sider BEM and R A Smith-Ainsley reported that they had received correspondence in relation to application 21/01472/FUL, Land at rear of dwellings in Park Road, Stanwell but had maintained an impartial role, had not expressed any views and had kept an open mind.
Councillor R Noble advised that he had visited the site of application 21/01472/FUL on 3 occasions.
Planning application - 21/00912/FUL - Works, Langley Road, Staines-upon-Thames TW18 2EJ PDF 373 KB Ward Staines
Proposal Demolition of existing works building and erection of 22 dwellings (14 dwelling houses and 8 apartments) including access, parking, landscaping and replacement substation.
Recommendation The application is recommended for approval. Additional documents:
Minutes: Description: Demolition of existing works building and erection of 22 dwellings (14 dwelling houses and 8 apartments) including access, parking, landscaping and replacement substation.
Additional Information: One further letter had been received noting concerns about the demolition such as noise and dust.
As noted in the report, an Air Quality Assessment had been submitted and no objections were raised by EHO. In addition, informative, regarding building works including hours of operation, dust and noise and recommended (1, 2 and 4).
Public Speaking: In accordance with the Council’s procedure for speaking at meetings, Joanne Roberts spoke against the proposed development raising the following key points:
- The number of proposed dwellings was too high - The proposed dwellings would overlook existing homes and impact on privacy - There would be an impact on current utilities, especially drainage. - There was insufficient detail on the how the properties would be environmentally friendly - There were too few electric vehicle charging points proposed for the number of dwellings - There was no information on how the demolition of the current site would be managed
In accordance with the Council’s procedure for speaking at meetings, David Butcher spoke for the proposed development raising the following key points:
- There were no objections from statutory consultees - The proposed development would improve the street scene - The scheme was considerate of surrounding properties in the separation distance and window placement - This was a neighbour-friendly use of a brownfield site - The mix of units meets the Council’s requirement
In accordance with the Council’s procedure for speaking at meetings, Councillor Malcolm Beecher spoke as Ward Councillor against the proposed development raising the following key points:
- Welcome the redevelopment of a brownfield site - Concerns over bats roosting in the building - Electric Vehicle Charging point should be installed at a ratio of 1:1 - Only two charging points for the flats
Debate: During the debate the following key issues were raised:
- The development will improve the street scene - The density of properties on the site will meet the Council’s policies - The amenity space provided is adequate - The design fits in with surrounding properties - This development would regenerate the area - Overlooking due to this development would be no worse than on any other suburban street - Pleased to see houses planned in addition to flats - Have to utilise brownfield sites in the Borough - Concerns over potential contamination of the land
Decision: The application was APPROVED as per the recommendation subject to the following additional informative:
The applicant is requested to give consideration to providing cable to all parking spaces to allow for 100% electric charging points in the development hereby approved. |
Ward Stanwell North
Proposal Demolition of existing lock-up garages and installation of electric vehicle charging bays serviced by ultra-rapid charge points, together with associated infrastructure and works.
Recommendation This application is recommended for refusal due to the impact on the amenity of neighbouring residential properties and highway impacts. Additional documents:
Minutes: Description: Demolition of existing lock-up garages and installation of electric vehicle charging bays serviced by ultra-rapid charge points, together with associated infrastructure and works.
Additional Information: A copy of the letter sent to Councillors by the applicant was received which clarifies points on access to the site, maintenance, lighting and hours of operation.
Public Speaking: In accordance with the Council’s procedure for speaking at meetings, Peter Hooper spoke against the proposed development raising the following key points:
- Lack of parking currently in front of the maisonettes - Access to the site is extremely narrow - Construction vehicles would not be able to access the site - Would have a detrimental impact on the surrounding houses
In accordance with the Council’s procedure for speaking at meetings, Stuart Burns spoke for the proposed development raising the following key points:
- Government legislation will, in the future, mean that there will be more electric powered vehicles on the road and therefore a greater need for charging points - People without a driveway will not be able to power their cars at home - Providing local and accessible charge points will raise confidence supporting the transition to non-polluting vehicles - This facility would help to meet the national target of phasing out fossil fuel cars and vans by 2030. - The existing site is in very poor condition with evidence of anti-social behaviour - Most residents welcomed the rejuvenation of the site - The Police support this proposal - The site would only operate between the hours of 7am to 10pm - The proposed lighting has been designed to ensure there is no overspill into residents’ gardens - Site would be regularly monitored and any litter removed - Owners of the electric vehicles would use an app to see whether there were any vacant charging points so would element queuing - New fencing would be installed to ensure privacy - Hydrant would be installed on site to be used in the event of a fire - Disagree with several points within the Highways report
In accordance with the Council’s procedure for speaking at meetings, Councillor Sue Doran spoke as Ward Councillor against the proposed development raising the following key points:
- The location was in close proximity to surrounding houses - Noise from the vehicle occupants would have an impact on surrounding residents - The access and exit roads to the proposed development already suffer from access issues. - There would be an increase in traffic to the area - Works vehicles to the site would add to the traffic and create access issues for residents - The proposed perimeter fencing would alter the measurements of the access and exit roads, and could damage existing trees and hedges. - There would still be a concern of ASB
Debate: During the debate the following key issues were raised:
- The impact on the surrounding dwellings would be both considerable and negative - County Highways had objected to this proposal on highways safety grounds |
Major Planning Applications PDF 90 KB To note the details of future major planning applications. Minutes: The Planning Development Manager submitted a report outlining major applications that may be brought before the Planning Committee for determination.
Resolved that the report of the Planning Development Manager be received and noted. |
Planning Appeals Report PDF 142 KB To note details of the Planning appeals submitted and decisions received between 15 December 2021 – 19 January 2022. Minutes: The Chairman informed the Committee that if any Member had any detailed queries regarding the report on Appeals lodged and decisions received since the last meeting, they should contact the Planning Development Manager.
Resolved that the report of the Planning Development Manager be received and noted.