Venue: Video Conference Call
Contact: Christeen Abee Email:
No. | Item |
Apologies To receive any apologies for absence. Minutes: Apologies were received from Councillor Mary Madams, Councillor Richard Smith-Ainsley, Pat Cheeseman, and Heather Morgan. |
To agree the minutes of the previous meeting as a correct record. Minutes: The minutes of the meeting held on 3 November 2021 were agreed as a correct record. |
Overview of construction progress and programme To receive an overview of construction progress and programme. Minutes: The Chairman invited Matthew Wright, Senior Development Manager, Pinewood Studios, to give a presentation that covered the agenda items for the evening (attached).
Works that had been completed at the Shepperton Northwest site included the construction of the backlot for external filming, building foundations, and fencing. A lift shaft had also been installed. It was anticipated in the next three months that offices would be erected as well as steel frames for workshops. Internal roadways would also be constructed, and power and drainage to the site would be turned on. Completion was anticipated in Spring of 2023.
Works to the Shepperton South site were between three to six months behind compared to Shepperton Northwest, but landscape bunds had been completed. Earthworks, piling, and utility installation were in progress. Within the next three months, it was anticipated that the full-site compound would be established with portacabins and car parks. Steelwork was anticipated to be delivered from May 2022. Anticipated completion for the site was in Summer 2023.
It was acknowledged that Amazon and Netflix were due to occupy these sites when they were completed.
Alick Whitfield, Senior Community Relations Manager for Laing O’Rourke, was invited to present the current construction routing plan. Alick explained that current routing would direct traffic through Upper Halliford and into Shepperton via the B376. The suggested routes sought to avoid Laleham if possible, and this route was submitted as part of the construction management plan and was subject to approval. Residents had requested a second wheelwash for large vehicles leaving the site, and this was being explored. Signage would also be erected on site with contact information and out-of-hours information if there were any issues with construction routing or lorries.
All lorries to the site would have signage in their windscreen identifying their visit to Shepperton Studios, and all drivers would need to make sure their lorries could be identified. Lorries visiting the site needed to be booked in, and if they arrived outside of their booking window, they would be turned away. Bigger vehicles would arrive to site early so they didn’t contribute to morning traffic.
Cllr Attewell expressed concern that if lorries were turned away or turned up too early, they would park in the lay-bys. Alick assured her this would be policed and the lorry drivers would be aware they couldn’t do this.
Landscaping Update To receive an update on landscaping, bunds and planting. Minutes: Tree planting was underway for the Northwest and South sites. Minor amendments would also be made to the planting scheme due to the availability of some species of trees and shrubs. Meetings continued to be held with local residents regarding tree planting.
River Ash Update To receive a progress update on the works surrounding the River Ash. Minutes: The large tree at the end of Studios Road would be removed, and work on this would commence in the next few weeks. Shepperton Studios had met with residents of Studios Estate regarding this, and the residents expressed a desire for the tree to remain on-site in Shepperton. Parts of the tree would be used in the River Ash Corridor as part of the enhancement works.
Community Matters To receive an update around community matters. Minutes: Shepperton Studios continued to meet with local residents. Matthew Wright and Andrew Smith OBE, Corporate Affairs Director, explained they had upcoming virtual academy events including a five year Technical Support Services Training Programme that aimed to invest in technical support services training. Five scholarships per year would be awarded for local individuals to attend the National Film and Television School in Beaconsfield, and a Film and Media Learning Support Programme would deliver training and education focused on the television and film industry to local primary, secondary and tertiary facilities.
Shepperton Studios would continue to support community events and hold outdoor film screenings, and there was intention for the Shepperton South site to have facilities to host community events. They would also continue to hold career fairs and continue with their community outreach work. A Shepperton Studios Community Fund had also been established to award £500k to support local individuals and organisations and was open for applications until April 2022 for awards to be given in July 2022.
Laing O’Rourke provided a summary of their past community support work and pledged a number of community activities and employment initiatives for Shepperton and the surrounding areas.
Communications Update To receive a communications update. Minutes: Dan Burton was introduced as the new Community Engagement Manager for Shepperton Studios, and Alick Whitfield was introduced as the Senior Community Relations Manager for Laing O’Rourke.
Out-of-hours contact information was provided for anyone wishing to report any incidents or issues with noise or light emanating from the site.
Off-Site Highway Works To receive a progress update on off-site highways works. Minutes: Technical approval was awaited from Surrey County Council for the new pedestrian crossing in Laleham.
Works on the Laleham Village Gateway were expected to commence in the next four to six weeks following finalisation of technical approvals.
The scheme for the revised Charlton crossing location had been submitted to Surrey County Council, but comments had not yet been received. A completion timescale could not be provided at this time.
The existing Charlton Village ages would be refreshed in April.
Planning Progress Update To receive an update on other planning matters. Minutes: Sara Dutfield, Turley, was invited to provide a summary of live and future planning applications. There was one live planning application in relation to a construction compound with a decision due in March 2022. Future applications included non-material amendments regarding landscaping, door locations, and security barriers and booths. There were also amendments to the multi-storey car park application that included a potential reduction in height, and phone mast relocations, but this would be submitted by the mast operators.
AOB For any other business to be raised. Minutes: Shepperton Studios wished to record their thanks to Councillor Attewell for her work with local residents, and Councillor Barnard wished to record his thanks to her for her previous work as chairman of the Shepperton Studios Community Liaison Group.
Questions To receive questions from members of the public. Minutes: The Chairman invited further questions from attendees.
David Furst asked about the play space enhancements that were being funded. Matthew Wright confirmed these locations were agreed as part of the Section 106 agreement and local residents were welcome to contribute ideas for their improvements.
Ken Snaith queried the use of the construction compound, and Matthew explained this would be used for storage of materials and not for portacabins. Ken also queried if the phone masts could be concealed amongst buildings, and Matthew explained this may have a negative effect on the
Matthew explained that once off-site highway schemes were agreed by Surrey County Council, an update on the dates of the works would be provided to all local Residents Associations and local councillors.
Councillor Attewell raised some issues on behalf of local residents and requested further information on opportunities for youth in the community.
Karen Howkins queried the amount of lorry movements and when the proposed traffic routing would start. Matthew explained that numbers of movements were being confirmed, and the local planning authority would need to approve the routing but it may be possible to adopt it in the short term.