Venue: Video Conference Call
Contact: Christeen Abee Email:
No. | Item |
Apologies To receive any apologies for absence. Minutes: Apologies were received from Pat Cheeseman, and Heather Morgan. |
To agree the minutes of the previous meeting as a correct record. Minutes: The minutes of the meeting held on 23 February 2022 were agreed as a correct record. |
Overview of construction progress and programme To receive an overview of construction progress and programme. Minutes: The Chairman invited Matthew Wright, Head of Planning and Technical Development, Pinewood Studios, to give a presentation that covered the agenda items for the meeting (attached).
Steelworks at the Shepperton Northwest site were nearing completion. Piling foundations had been completed. Cladding of the stage, the internal road layout, and the construction of the car park had all commenced. Completion was still expected to be Spring of 2023.
The first phase of tree planting was complete on the Shepperton South site. Major earthworks had been completed, and piling had commenced. Formation of the car parks and internal roads was underway and steelwork would be arriving to site in the coming months. Completion was anticipated to be from summer of 2023.
Landscaping Update To receive an update on landscaping, bunds and planting. Minutes: Early planting was finished and bunds had been installed around the Shepperton northwest site. Planting would continue in Autumn 2022.
For the Shepperton South site, the western bund had been formed and planted, and further planting would take place in Autumn 2022. Any trees that had failures would be replaced during that planting season.
River Ash Update To receive a progress update on the works surrounding the River Ash. Minutes: £1m would be invested in ecological and woodland enhancements surrounding the River Ash. The target date for the works to commence was Autumn 2022. River Ash clean-up dates were currently planned for August 2022 and October 2022 with specific dates being confirmed closer to the time.
Community Matters To receive an update around community matters. Minutes: Dan Burton, Community Engagement Manager, Shepperton Studios, was invited to give an update on community matters.
Outdoor community screenings had been scheduled for September. Dramatize, a local charity, would use one of the nights as a fundraiser.
Charlton Village Gates had been refurbished by Sir Robert McAlpine (SRM).
Logs from the oak tree that had been felled on Studios Road had been delivered to Littleton School to support their Forest School learning. More logs would be delivered to Saxon Junior School. Three large sections of log had been retained with the intention of utilising them as benches along the River Ash, and local woodworkers were being sought to create this.
Shepperton Studios and Laing O’Rourke were attending local careers fairs and giving careers talks at Thamesmead Secondary School in June.
Shepperton Studios had helped secure scaffolding for Surrey Canoe Club to enable them to build staging for disabled canoeists.
Shepperton Studios had also contributed to Spelthorne’s Jubilee Celebration packages, sponsorships of Spelthorne Means Business Award, and they were looking forward to supporting Shepperton Big Tree night in December.
Five scholarships to the National Film & Television School would be awarded to local young people, and further communications would be provided on how this could be accessed. Shepperton Studios would also provide further support for training programmes and apprenticeships.
Alick Whitfield, Senior Community Relations Manager, Laing O’Rourke, explained that they were recruiting at the site and were looking to fill roles with local candidates.
Alick acknowledged there had been failings with working practices on site. Oversized vehicles had been arriving from 6am, and vehicles arriving at site were not carrying proper identification associated with the studios. Vehicles were also not using routes designated by the studios.
The wheel wash had also ceased to work for a period of about a week, but this had been repaired and road sweeping had been increased in the area.
There was a need for out-of-hours work to take place, though they were trying to restrict the amount of out-of-hours work needed. Permission from the local authority was required for this.
Residents and Shepperton Studios representatives expressed disappointment over the failings related to lack of identification on vehicles and oversize vehicles using unapproved routes. Cllr Whitmore queried the penalties for lorries arriving to site were receiving if they did not use appropriate routes, and Alick explained they were not allowed on site, and they had received written warnings and instructions to stop using unapproved routes. Objections were also raised to out-of-hours working.
Alick noted the feedback from residents, Councillors, and Shepperton Studios representatives.
Communications Update To receive a communications update. Minutes: Alick acknowledged that his team was working to give residents more than 24 hours notice for activity on site.
Contact information was provided in the presentation (attached) should anyone want more information or need to contact someone at the studios regarding works.
Off-Site Highway Works To receive a progress update on off-site highways works. Minutes: James Bevis, i-Transport, was invited to provide an explanation of off-site highway works.
Works that covered the new zebra crossing and village gateways in Laleham had been signed-off and agreed, however there was an issue surrounding parking near the church that they were trying to resolve with Surrey County Council and other relevant parties.
Several residents expressed frustration over the plans and were assured that meetings were taking place to come to a solution. James explained that once a solution was found, works could progress quickly and should be completed within a four week period, but he could not advise of a date for completion of works.
James explained that the outline design of the crossing location in Charlton village had been submitted, and this would progress once the Laleham gateways were resolved, but it likely would not be before 2023. The existing gates to Charlton Village had been refreshed.
Technical approvals had been received for the new roundabout at the eastern end of Studios Road, and technical approval was expected soon for signalisation of the roundabout on Spelthorne Lane. Technical approval would then be sought for other junctions at Laleham, Studios Road, and Charlton Road. Timescales could not be provided at this point, but works would be phased to minimise disruption to the road network.
Works on Laleham Road were due to be completed in early June. Works would then continue on Ferry Lane and Thames Side. All off-site Power connection works were anticipated to be finished by October 2022.
Planning Progress Update To receive an update on other planning matters. Minutes: Sara Dutfield, Turley, was invited to provide an overview of live and future planning applications. Live applications consisted of condition discharge applications across the site. Future Planning applications related to non-material amendments, amendments to a multi-storey car park on the Shepperton South site, a decked car park to the Shepperton North site, and relocations of phone masts. Sara clarified that the applications to relocate the phone masts would come from the operators themselves, and she acknowledged that there was another mast application, but this was not associated with the Studios.
Ken Snaith, Shepperton Residents Association, and David Furst, Laleham Residents Association, queried the plans for the decked car park and the amount of spaces it would provide. Matthew explained that the parameter plan gave heights that they were allowed to build to. The outline planning permission permitted the phased development of the expansion site, and that included future reserved matters planning applications for features such as a new North Car Park, or redevelopment of the existing studio buildings, for example. The planning permission stated that a minimum of 2,595 spaces needed to be provided, and the parking demand was assessed as part of the transport assessment.
AOB For any other business to be raised. Minutes: There was no other business to raise. |
Questions To receive questions from members of the public. Minutes: The Chairman invited further questions from attendees.
Ken Snaith asked when the construction compound would be utilised. Matthew confirmed that it may be used for the storage of materials over summer.
Karen Howkins, Charlton Residents Association, queried the location that further development could take place. Matthew explained the plans showed the boundary put forward in the planning application, and he expected that further works would be done within the existing studio site to make more efficient use of the site and replace poor quality buildings.