Agenda and minutes

Shepperton Studios Community Liaison Group - Wednesday, 14 July 2021 5.00 pm

Venue: Microsoft Teams Conference Call

Contact: Christeen Abee  Email:

No. Item



To receive any apologies for absence.


Apologies were received from Cllr Mary Madams and Pat Cheeseman.


Minutes pdf icon PDF 205 KB

To agree the minutes of the previous meeting as a correct record.


The minutes of the meeting held on 2nd March 2021 were agreed as a correct record.


Surrey County Council Highways Update pdf icon PDF 1 MB

To receive an update from Surrey County Council Highways.


The Chairman, Councillor Attewell, requested that members of the group introduce themselves as membership had grown since last meeting.


Andrew Smith, Shepperton Studios and Corporate Affairs Director, suggested that Matthew Wright, Senior Development Manager, Pinewood Studios, be allowed to present a slideshow (attached) that covered a majority of topics on the agenda. This was agreed by the Chairman.


John Kinash, Pinewood Studios, provided an overview of the planned highway works that would be taking place throughout the scheme, and explained all works were agreed as part of a phasing strategy with Surrey County Council Highways to ensure minimum disruption to the network as possible. When questioned about the timings of the works, he explained that the dates provided on the slides are the latest dates the works could be delivered, and it was possible the works may take place sooner than anticipated.


Several residents expressed concern over construction traffic and diversion routes, and requested large vehicle traffic be re-routed. Matthew explained this would be difficult as there are other construction projects in the area, and the vehicles may not be associated with Shepperton Studios. Councillor Attewell agreed this was a complex issue as every resident association would have a different opinion on the routes and queried what could be done going forward. Matthew agreed to engage with the construction contractors to understand their routing and would report back at a future meeting.


John acknowledged that the work on pedestrian crossings had been delayed, but it is being progressed as a priority with Surrey Highways. He expects all approvals to be in place by September, but as they are required to provide a 12-week notification of the works, and there is a moratorium on highway works during the months of November, December, and January, construction works for the crossing may not begin until early 2022.


David Furst, Laleham Residents Association, raised that the crossings were originally due to be completed in July 2020, and inquired why this had been delayed and why conflicting information was being given by different parties. Andrew Smith explained that the work of Surrey County Council officers had been diverted due to the pandemic, and this had caused some delays, and Matt explained that information may change on a week-to-week basis.


Karen Howkins, Charlton Village Residents Association, expressed frustration that she had not been contacted with updates regarding the proposed pedestrian crossing in Charlton Village and raised that the crossing was not where the residents requested. James Bevis, i-Transport, explained that where the residents requested the crossing be placed could not be done for highway safety reasons, and the current proposed location was approved when planning permission was given. Andrew Smith suggested they would check to see what was originally agreed and, if it could be changed, explore what would need to be done to change the location. Matthew also suggested he would compile information regarding the works to distribute to members of the group.



Issues That Have Arisen Since Last Meeting

To discuss any issues that have arisen since the March meeting.


Committee Services raised a query from Pat Cheeseman, Littleton Residents Association, regarding a playground at Studios Estate. Matthew explained Shepperton Studios had contributed £50k towards an investment in local children’s play areas, and that residents of Studios Estate requested an older children’s play area be installed to reflect the local demographic. The Council had decided to install a younger children’s play area despite this feedback. Cllr Attewell explained she would be in touch with the Group Head of Neighbourhood Services to seek more information about this, and Kathryn Maidment, Senior Community and Education Outreach Manager, Pinewood Studios, requested to be included in the conversation. Matthew explained he would provide a further update on works being completed on local play areas at a future meeting.



Planning Progress Update

To receive a planning progress update.


Matthew provided an overview of the works being completed on the Shepperton South site, and explained the demolition of buildings, agreed vegetation and tree removal, and utility disconnections and new supplies were underway. A Reserved Matters application had also been submitted for a new entrance to site. Completion for this area was expected by December 2023.


Regarding the Shepperton North West site, Matthew reported that enabling works commenced in March 2021 and main works on the site would commence in October 2021 with a projected April 2023 completion.



Landscaping Update

To receive a landscaping update.


Matthew Wright accepted questions from Neil Thompson, local resident, Ken Snaith, Shepperton Residents Association, and Cllr R.A. Smith-Ainsley who inquired about the placement of the earth bunds around the site and if dust mitigating measures would be in place for the creation of the bunds. Matthew confirmed the locations and safety measures were set out in the planning parameters and conditions.


Carl Philips, Shepperton Residents Association, questioned if anything further could be done to hide the view of the buildings. Matthew explained that their plans were considered satisfactory when they were granted planning permission. Sara Dutfield, Turley, further explained that they were working alongside residents regarding the planting of trees, but it was difficult as not all residents agreed on the locations, amount, or size of the trees that were being planted. Matthew further explained that a camouflage exercise is being undertaken at Pinewood Studios in effort to blend the colour of the buildings into the skyline, and this may be considered for Shepperton Studios.


Matthew presented plans for the River Ash Corridor Enhancement works and explained that works on this would commence in April 2023 with plans to engage local ecologists and a public consultation beforehand. Cllr Attewell requested that local wildlife groups, nature associations and gardeners be contacted as well.



Communications update pdf icon PDF 3 MB

To receive a communications update.

Additional documents:


Matthew explained that monthly e-mail updates were being provided to all Residents Associations. Kathryn Maidment further explained that a mailing list existed through Pinewood Studios, and if any residents wished to be added, they could e-mail her at with permission to be added to the database, and advised that this information is not shared with any third party.


Cllr Attewell expressed frustration on behalf of the residents who had been in touch with her over the utility works that had been taking place as they felt that they were given insufficient notice. Matthew and Kathryn acknowledged this, and stated that they would be speaking to the utility company to understand how they could notify residents in a more efficient manner, or if Shepperton Studios could help notify residents on their behalf. 


Andrew Smith reminded the group that if there were any concerns over noise coming from the site to please give them a call and the situation would be addressed.


The Council will consult the members of the group to agree the date of the next meeting.