Agenda and minutes

Shepperton Studios Community Liaison Group - Wednesday, 3 November 2021 5.00 pm

Venue: Microsoft Teams Meeting

Contact: Christeen Abee  Email:

No. Item



To receive any apologies for absence.


Apologies were received from David Furst (Laleham Residents Association). Donna Colman attended as his substitute.


It was acknowledged that since last meeting Councillor Maureen Attewell had resigned as Chairman, and Spelthorne Borough Council had appointed Councillor Colin Barnard as the new Chairman.


Minutes pdf icon PDF 201 KB

To agree the minutes of the previous meeting as a correct record.


The minutes of the meeting held on 14 July 2021 were agreed as a correct record.


Overview of construction progress and programme pdf icon PDF 2 MB

To receive an overview of construction progress and programme.


The Chairman invited Matthew Wright, Senior Development Manager, Pinewood Studios, to give a presentation which covered the agenda items (attached).


The Shepperton South site was now set up with all buildings demolished and vegetation stripped back. Below ground drainage and duct work should be installed before January, and works would begin on the internal road network.


At the Shepperton Northwest site, landscape bunds, attenuation ponds, and site level works were complete, and below ground drainage was being installed. Over the next three months, piling and installation of fencing would begin. Steel frames for buildings were anticipated to arrive to site, and landscaping was expected to be completed. Completion of works to the site was scheduled for Spring 2023.


Karen Howkins, Charlton Residents Association, queried how the steel frames would be routed to the site, and Matthew explained that with the anticipated size of the steel frames, routing would be diverted away from narrow roads, and Shepperton Studios would be working with drivers to ensure they they’re travelling the most appropriate routes.


Landscaping Update

To receive an update on landscaping, bunds and planting.


Landscaping bunds around the Shepperton South site were expected to be complete before the end of this year with tree planting commencing in November and expected to finish by the end of February 2022. Approximately 20,000 predominantly native trees and shrubs would be planted with at least 10% of those being between 3 to 4 metres in height.


On the Shepperton Northwest site, the landscape bund to the north of Studios Estate was complete. Tree planting would commence and was expected to be complete at the end of February 2022. Similar to the Shepperton South site, 10,000 predominantly native trees and shrubs would be planted, and at least 10% of those would be between 3 to 4 metres in height. The trees would be planted to help screen a majority of the construction work, and Shepperton Studios would consult local residents to ensure the taller trees were in locations that met their needs.


Andrew Smith, Pinewood Studios Corporate Affairs Director, explained that planting would commence with a tree contributing to the Queen’s Green Canopy initiative to mark the Platinum Jubilee.


River Ash Update

To receive a progress update on the works surrounding the River Ash.


The River Ash clean-up day had been well attended and was used as an opportunity to present and receive feedback on the Studio’s proposals on the River Ash corridor works. A poster would be placed in the area with more details of the plans, and further details would be sent to individuals on the mailing list with a request for positive and negative feedback. Shepperton Studios would continue to spend £500k on enhancements and improvements to the River Ash, and were committed to spend £15k per year over the next 15 years towards maintenance and ecological monitoring.


Community Matters

To receive an update around community matters.


Works had been completed to the Studios Estate play area, and improvement works would be done to play areas in Laleham, Charlton, and Shepperton. The Studios organised the River Ash clean-up day where wildflowers and bulbs were planted with local residents. Meetings had been held with Residents Associations regarding construction routing. Local primary schools would resume visits to the Studios.


Communications Update

To receive a communications update.


Andrew Smith explained that if any queries needed to be raised or any issues needed to be addressed, Shepperton Studios were happy to meet with residents outside of the Community Liaison Group.


Ken Snaith, Shepperton Residents Association, expressed concern about the location of a backlot in relation to residents and the noise it would generate. Matthew explained that a backlot management plan would be generated which would dictate the hours of operation, and night shoots would not be allowed without the Council’s approval. The Studios would engage with local residents to inform them of any filming that happened outside of this management plan.


Off-site Highways Works

To receive a progress update on off-site highways works.


Following meetings with Laleham Residents Association, the location and design for the village gates had been confirmed. Construction of the Laleham pedestrian crossing was expected to commence in early 2022. The Charlton pedestrian crossing location had been revised in response to feedback from the Charlton Residents Association and the scheme was submitted to Surrey County Council. Completion of the Charlton pedestrian crossing was now expected to be in late 2022 or 2023 pending approval by Surrey County Council.


Ken Snaith queried the distance of the cable works connected to the Studios as they extended towards Chertsey and Weybridge. Matthew explained this was due to the closest power stations being in those areas.


Councillor Mary Madams requested that boundary records be checked to ensure that the village gates were in correct positions to signify actual boundaries, and queried who would be responsible for their maintenance once installed. James Bevis, i-Transport, explained that the location of the gates was determined by Surrey County Council Highways and local Residents Associations, but the location of the gates could be queried with them. The maintenance of the gates would fall to Surrey Highways as they were on highway land, but this could be checked as well.


Planning Progress Update

To receive an update on other planning matters.


A number of planning applications had been submitted for the Shepperton South site, including one for a multi-storey car park. Carl Philips, local resident, queried the height and capacity of the car park. Matthew informed him it would be 4-5 storeys high, but no more than 17 metres in height, and would provide 700 parking spaces. Donnica Colman, Laleham Residents Association, asked if this would change the anticipated number of cars on site, and Sara Dutfield, Turley, explained with this proposal, there would be 2,707 spaces on-site. Ken Snaith expressed concern over the traffic this would generate on the road closest to the proposed car park, and James Bevis explained that vehicles leaving the site would have a number of exit options due to the internal road network.


A planning application had also been submitted for the Shepperton Northwest site and a decision was expected in late 2021.



For any other business to be raised.


It was raised this would be Kathryn Maidment’s last meeting. The group wished her well in her future endeavours.



To receive questions from members of the public.


Donnica Colman raised a query about the identification of HGV’s arriving and leaving the Shepperton Studios site, and requested it be communicated to the drivers that they have a sign in their window stating they were associated with the Studios. John Kinash, Pinewood Studios, agreed to communicate this with drivers and to provide Donnica with a copy of the sign they should have displayed to assist in recognition.