Agenda and minutes

Shepperton Studios Community Liaison Group - Monday, 27 February 2023 5.00 pm

Venue: Microsoft Teams Virtual Meeting

Contact: Christeen Abee  Email:

No. Item



To receive any apologies for absence.


There were none.


Minutes pdf icon PDF 208 KB

To agree the minutes of the previous meeting as a correct record.


The minutes of the meeting held on 4 October 2022 were agreed as a correct record.


Overview of Construction Progress and Programme

To receive an overview of construction progress and programme.


The Chair invited Matthew Wright, Head of Planning and Technical Development, Pinewood Studios, to give a presentation that covered the agenda items for the meeting.


At the Northwest site, cladding to all stages and workshops had been completed. Work was currently underway on the internal fit out of the stages.


At the South site, stage cladding had progressed and windows were being installed on the ground floor workshop. A vehicle bridge was being constructed between the Shepperton North and South sites.






Landscaping Update

To receive an update on landscaping, bunds, and planting.


Some additional tree planting would take place around the Shepperton South site to replace failures before the end of the planting season. The area where the Laing O’Rourke compound was currently sitting would become a landscaped bund.




River Ash Update

To receive a progress update on the works surrounding the River Ash.


Works around the River Ash to complete circular footpath commenced before Christmas. This included woodland and riparian enhancements, as well as improvements to habitat features, footpaths, fencing, amenities, footbridge and cleaning of debris and waste.


Ash trees around the River suffered from Ash dieback in some areas, and some of those trees have been removed or felled. Some felled trees still required tidying.


Foundations had been installed for the new footbridge. The footbridge was under construction off-site and should be installed in early March or April and open to the public in summer.


Education boards in the area would be improved.


It was confirmed the pedestrian crossway between the studio sites would remain in use.


Community Matters

To receive an update around community matters.


Dan Burton, Community Engagement Manager, Shepperton Studios, and Alick Whitfield, Laing O’Rourke, provided a list of community activities Shepperton Studios and Laing O’Rourke had partaken in. These included sponsoring Big Tree Night in Shepperton and hosting a school visit from Bishop Wand School where students visited stages, attended workshops, and received careers advice. Three local primary schools were also involved in painting sessions where art of film characters would be used to decorate the hoarding around the studios sites.


The Shepperton Studios Community Fund had committed £500k of funding over the next 10 years for the local community. Funding had been recently awarded in the second round, with successful applicants being announced soon.


Studios staff and volunteers from partners would take part in this year’s Great British Spring Clean 2023.


Shepperton Studios was working with Surrey Wildlife Trust to invest over £1 million towards restoration of a wildlife site to increase biodiversity.


Work was being done on creating and enhancing community green spaces. This involved a wildlife area at Laleham Primary School, a sensory garden at Saxon Primary School and delivery of bi-monthly site litter picks.


A summary of employment opportunities was provided. Progress was being made on engaging with local groups. Initial opportunities had been presented at Spelthorne Youth Hub during careers week. Construction careers events had been hosted, alongside STEM engagement programmes being set up at local primary schools.


A five year education programme targeting Primary/Secondary Schools would be launching this summer. More information on available scholarships would be announced soon.


Complaints about dirty roads and noisy works were addressed when raised. Extra road sweepers had been deployed to clean the roads, and lights were on timers to ensure they didn’t create disruption.


Communications Update

To receive an update on communications.


Meetings had taken place with Studios Road residents and with residents around the Shepperton South site.


Councillor Maureen Attewell had instigated an improved communications strategy going forward. Shepperton Studios and Surrey County Council Communications teams would work together in future to improve Communications, especially on planned works affecting the highway.


Monthly updates would be provided and would also be published in Village Matters magazine that was distributed locally.


Residents were encouraged to contact the Studios if there were any issues coming from the site.




Off-Site Highway Works

To receive a progress update on off-site highways works.


Matthew Wright presented a list of upcoming off-site highways works which included rough start dates and estimated durations of works. This included a new signalised junction at Charlton Road and Ashford Road, a road re-alignment of Studios Road, a new entrance roundabout and improvements to existing roundabouts surrounding the site, and installation of a temporary car park along New Road. He explained that a number of road works were not scheduled yet as legal agreements were still underway, but they would be scheduled with traffic management once agreed. Works would have to be scheduled around closures for the Esso pipeline and to take other road closures into consideration.


There were also further off-site gas and water works planned over the next four months. Residents who lived in the immediate proximity would be given notice of the impact of the works.


James Bevis, i-Transport, provided clarification on the advertised temporary traffic regulation order that had concerned surrounding residents. He explained that Surrey County Council had an obligation to advise works were taking place and to give an eighteen month period in which those works will happen, but the actual works and road closures would only take place over three to four nights. Diversions would be put in place with adequate signage. This information had been shared with local residents associations.






Planning Progress Update

To receive an update on other planning matters.


There were no planning matters to discuss.



For any other business to be raised.


It was acknowledged that due to the upcoming amount of road closures and road works, it would be beneficial to hold another meeting soon.



To receive questions from members of the public.


There were no further questions raised.