Venue: Council Chamber, Council Offices, Knowle Green, Staines-upon-Thames TW18 1XB
Contact: Gary Lelliott Email:
Link: This meeting was rescheduled to 27 September 2022
No. | Item |
Apologies and Substitutes To receive apologies for absence and notification of substitutions. |
To confirm the minutes of the meeting held on 11 July 2022 as a correct record.
Disclosures of Interest To receive any disclosures of interest from councillors in accordance with the Council’s Code of Conduct for members. |
Questions from members of the Public The Chair, or his nominee, to answer any questions raised by members of the public in accordance with Standing Order 40.
At the time of publication of this agenda no questions were received.
Ward Issues To consider any issues raised by ward councillors in accordance with Standing Order 34.2
At the time of publication of this agenda no ward issues were received.
Corporate Risk Management To consider and note the significant strategic risks and issues highlighted in this report. Additional documents: |
Budget Inflation for Costs, Salaries, Fees and Charges 23/24 This report seeks to set out the budget assumptions in respect of inflation for: Employment, Costs (Contracted and non-contracted) and Fees and Charges income, as well as addressing the challenges from the 2022/23 budget that could impact on 2023/24 Budget Setting process.
The report sets out some recommendations for the budget assumptions on inflation for employment, costs and income and provides Council with an insight to the budget deficit caused by the cost of living crisis. |
Q1 Capital Monitoring Report This report seeks to update Councillors on the performance of our capital projects against the approved budget, as at 30 June 2022. Additional documents: |
Q1 Revenue Monitoring Report This report provides a summary of the Quarter 1 (Q1) for the financial year 2022/23 as at 30 June 2022. Additional documents:
Corporate Peer Review Challenge Update The Corporate Policy and Resources Committee (CPRC) has agreed that the Council will participate in a Local Government Association (LGA) Corporate Peer Challenge (CPC) later this year.
This report seeks to provide the Committee with an update on progress with preparations for the CPC. |
Surrey Delivery Board Update To receive a verbal update on the Surrey Delivery Board. |
Recovery Action Plan To receive a verbal update on the Recovery Action Plan. |
To consider the Forward Plan for committee business. |
To note those urgent actions (attached and below) which have been taken by the Chief Executive in consultation with the Leader since the last Corporate Policy and Resources meeting on 11 July 2022.
· New letting to Shoe Zone, Unit 32a, Elmsleigh Centre · New letting to Yoplait (UK) Ltd, Part 4th Floor, Charter Building · New letting to Regeneron (UK) Ltd, Part 3rd Floor, Charter Building |
Exclusion of Public and Press To move the exclusion of the public and press in order to discuss the next item in view of the likely disclosure of exempt information within the meaning of Paragraph 3 or Part 1 of Schedule 12A of the Local Government Act 1972
Update on Council Developments To receive an update on the Council’s Developments from the Development Advisor.