Venue: Council Chamber, Council Offices, Knowle Green, Staines-upon-Thames TW18 1XB
Contact: Melis Owen Email:
Link: Members of the public may hear the proceedings by tuning into the Council's YouTube channel
No. | Item |
To confirm the minutes of the meeting held on 20 September 2022 as a correct record. Minutes: The minutes of the meeting held on 20 September 2022 were considered by the Committee.
Councillor Harvey requested that the minutes be amended to include an agreed action from discussion on the Afghan Citizens Resettlement Scheme (ACRS). The Committee resolved to agree the proposed amendment.
The minutes of the meeting held on 20 September 2022 were approved as a correct record of proceedings subject to the agreed amendment.
Disclosures of Interest To receive any disclosures of interest from Councillors in accordance with the Council’s Code of Conduct for members. Minutes: Councillor Button declared he was trustee of a charity which had received a grant from the Annual Community Grants panel in 2022. |
Questions from members of the Public At the time of publication of this agenda no questions were received.
Minutes: There were none. |
Ward Issues To consider any issues raised by ward councillors in accordance with Standing Order 34.2
At the time of publication of this agenda no ward issues were received.
Minutes: There were none. |
Review of Spelthorne Winter Warmer Project To receive a verbal update on a review of the Spelthorne Winter Warmer Project. Minutes: The Committee received a verbal update on the Spelthorne Winter Warmer Project from the Strategic Lead Independent Living. The Fordbridge and Greeno Community Centres had successfully opened on alternate Saturdays, and this would continue until February 2023. Surrey County Council and local churches had made further contributions to provide extra warm hubs across the borough. The Council had promoted opening hours of these hubs and other organisations which offered similar support to residents.
The Committee queried how this project was publicised other than through the website. It was confirmed that communications were publicised through delivery of papers across borough organisations, word of mouth and through social media channels.
The Committee noted the success of this project and anticipated a need for this service to be available for the duration of February due to cold weather. The Committee resolved to agree extension of this project to cover Saturday opening hours for the month of February.
The Committee resolved to note the update and extended thanks to all staff who volunteered at the Community Centres on Saturdays. |
Household Support Fund Phase 3 To consider distribution of phase three of the Household Support Fund. Additional documents: Minutes: The Committee considered a report on the Household Support Fund Phase three from the Strategic Lead Independent Living which sought approval of the recommendations outlined in the report.
The Committee were advised that the allocation for phase three was £244,000. In this round of funding there had been additional emphasis to ensure those with disabilities received support, alongside working-age families in receipt of benefits, pensioners, and those in receipt of funding from phases one and two. An estimated 150 new applicants would be newly eligible to apply for phase three. The Committee were advised that option 2.1 was the preferred option as this would be the fairest way of distributing funds without excluding those already eligible in phase two.
The Committee queried the overall cost of implementing this scheme and were informed based on a previous phase administration, there were estimated costs of £14,000. If the budget was not spent, funds would be put in a general allocation pot.
The Committee resolved to agree option 2.1 and approve the five recommendations outlined in the report.
Urgent Item- Cost of Living Crisis To consider how to apply the approved Cost of Living Crisis Funding pot
This item is urgent due to the cycle of Committee meetings this item needs to be discussed and approved at tonight’s meeting in order to progress distributing first tranche of support to families in need as quickly as possible. Minutes: The Chair agreed to the consideration of this item, in accordance with paragraph (4)(b) of section 100B of the Local Government Act 1972 for the following reason:
“Due to the cycle of committee meetings this item needs to be discussed and approved at tonight’s meeting in order to progress distributing first tranche of support to families in need as quickly as possible”.
The Committee considered a verbal report from the Deputy Chief Executive on application of the £200k Cost of Living Crisis Fund agreed by councillors to be set aside to support residents and communities across the borough through the current cost-of-living crisis.
The Committee were asked to consider allocating a cash grant for children and families identified as having high energy costs for both heating and medical equipment usage. 25 families identified by the children’s locality team could receive support in the region of £1000, with an option to increase this. The Deputy Chief Executive raised another aspect of utilising the Cost-of-Living Crisis Fund which concerned continuing discussions with foodbanks across the borough to provide additional funding.
The Committee queried the number of foodbanks being considered to receive additional funding and were advised this included at least six of the main foodbanks across the borough.
The Committee resolved to agree allocation of £1500 per household to the families (approximately 25) and supported continued discussion with foodbanks for additional funding.
Annual Community Grants Report To consider the Annual Community Grants Report for 2023/24
Additional documents:
Minutes: The Committee considered a report from the Strategic Lead for Leisure and Community Development that sought approval for the Grants Awards for 2023/24. The report outlined funding recommendations for applications received following consideration by the Grants Panel. Following final determination of the annual budget by Council, the grants awards would be allocated to charities and voluntary sector organisations operating in the borough. The Committee were also asked to consider transferring their unallocated Better Neighbourhood Grant monies to the Grants budget for distribution.
Councillor Sider raised concern that the Shepperton Village Fair had not received Grant funding for 2023/24 as the Fair was an important community event which gave opportunity for charities to raise funds. Any Grant funding would help with building of infrastructure, safety, and security. It was proposed by Councillor Sider and seconded by Councillor C Barratt and resolved that the Shepperton Village Fair be awarded a grant of £1000.
The Committee requested that newly elected Councillors be reminded of their Better Neighbourhood Grants during training in May 2023.
Resolved: 1. Approve the grants awards for 2023/24, 2. To note all other support Spelthorne Borough Council provides to the voluntary/charity sector and; 3. To transfer unallocated Councillors Better Neighbourhood Grant monies for 2023/24 are transferred to the Grants budget for allocation. |
To review the budget, fees and charges, growth bids, savings bids and capital bids for the Committee’s areas of responsibility. Additional documents:
Minutes: The Deputy Chief Executive presented the draft budget, fees and charges, growth bids, savings bids, and capital bids for the Committee’s areas of responsibility.
The Deputy Chief Executive introduced the Net Expenditure Budget and highlighted items where significant changes between the current and previous year were reflected. Overall, the draft budget for the Committee had been reduced by £150,000.
The Deputy Chief Executive presented the Detailed Budget, noting that following the move to a new financial system the presentation would be refined in future. The Committee requested clarification on the high salary costs and miscellaneous costs recorded within the budget. The Committee was provided with a detailed budget breakdown and there were some specific queries. The Committee questioned the budget of Benwell Day Centre which no longer officially operated and requested that savings in this area be considered. This would be reviewed and raised at the Council Budget meeting.
The Committee queried the figure on projects within the homelessness prevention category. A written note on this would be provided to the Committee.
The Deputy Chief Executive presented the Savings Bids which had been reviewed by Officers and would be incorporated into the net budget. The Deputy Chief Executive further presented the Growth Bids and explained both staffing posts were fully funded by external sources.
The Deputy Chief Executive presented the Fees and Charges and explained that these had been increased by at least 5% in accordance with instruction from the Corporate Policy and Resources Committee. The Committee raised concern about the impact of this increase on particular services such as Meals on Wheels. The Committee requested that the Deputy Chief Executive explore options to not increase the fees for the Meals on Wheels service.
The Committee resolved to recommend that Corporate Policy and Resources Committee approve the draft 23/24 budget with respect to the Committee’s Budget.
Feedback on 23/24 Budget Setting Process To provide feedback on this year’s budget setting process.
Minutes: The Committee provided feedback on the 23/24 Budget Setting Process during discussion of the previous item. |
Leisure Centre Update To receive a verbal update on the leisure centre development.
Minutes: The Committee received an update from the Strategic Lead for Leisure and Community Development on the Leisure Centre project. The project was progressing as planned. Request for approval of the preferred leisure operator bidder would be presented to the Committee in June to make a recommendation to the Corporate Policy and Resources Committee and Council in July 2023.
The Committee resolved to note the update. |
To consider the Forward Plan for committee business.
Minutes: The Committee considered the Forward Plan for the Community Wellbeing and Housing Committee.
The Committee requested that the Review of the Tenancy Strategy be moved to the meeting scheduled 28 March 2023.
The Committee resolved to add the following items to the forward plan following discussion throughout the meeting:
1) Review of Community Wellbeing and Housing Committee’s Policies and Strategies that Impact on Knowle Green Estates. 2) Capital Funding for Afghan and Ukrainian Homes 3) An Update on Deferred Items From The Grants Panel 4) Presentation from Surrey Officers on Youth Initiatives
The Committee resolved to note the forward plan subject to the agreed amendments. |