Venue: Council Chamber, Council Offices, Knowle Green, Staines-upon-Thames TW18 1XB
Contact: Christeen Abee Email:
Link: Members of the public may hear the proceedings by tuning into the Council's YouTube channel
No. | Item |
Apologies for absence To receive apologies for absence. Minutes: Apologies were received from Cllr Amar Brar. She nominated Cllr Ian Harvey to attend as her substitute.
Cllrs Sandra Dunn and Denise Saliagopoulos attended the meeting remotely via Microsoft Teams. They were allowed to take part in the debate, but were not allowed to vote. |
Disclosures of interest To receive any disclosures of interest from councillors in accordance with the Council’s Code of Conduct for members. Minutes: There were none. |
To confirm the minutes of the meeting held on 21 April 2022 as a correct record.
Additional documents: Minutes: The minutes of the meeting held on 21 April 2022 were agreed as a correct record. |
Civic Engagement Platform PDF 266 KB The consider a report from the Programme Manager which seeks approval to
1. Agree the expansion of the Granicus Civic engagement platform, to merge existing self-service portals into one and offer a wider range of features and functions to Spelthorne’s communities and customers through that portal. 2. To authorise direct award for a call off contract via the Crown Commercial Service (CCS) GCloud 12 (RM1557) procurement framework to system vendor Granicus-Firmstep Limited “Lot 2:Cloud Software”. The contract would run for a minimum of 2 years with the option to extend the contract for up to 2 periods of 12 months each. 3. To authorise the Head of Corporate Governance to enter into any legal documentation necessary to implement the new contract. 4. As the planned expenditure is unbudgeted and coming from reserves, there is no delegation to a committee to authorise this. A recommendation is sought from this Committee for the report to go to full Council to enable Spelthorne to deliver improved services to its customers. Additional documents:
Minutes: The committee considered a report from the Programme Manager that sought agreement from the committee to expand the current customer platform. The Programme Manager explained that if developed, residents who used the platform would receive a faster, more efficient service.
The committee noted that although there would be initial expenditure, as licenses for other products expired, a decision to approve would ultimately result in savings. The committee acknowledged that the Council already used Granicus in some areas, and there was knowledge and skill within the organisation to help expand and develop it. The committee also noted the use of the platform by over half of public sector organisations in the UK.
Subject to Council approving the expenditure, the committee resolved to
1. Agree the expansion of the Granicus Civic Engagement platform, to merge existing self-service portals into one and offer a wider range of features and functions to Spelthorne’s communities and customers through that portal. 2. To authorise direct award for a call off contract via the Crown Commercial Service (CCS) GCloud 12 (RM1557) procurement framework to system vendor Granicus-Firmstep Limited “Lot 2:Cloud Software”. The contract would run for a minimum of 2 years with the option to extend the contract for up to 2 periods of 12 months each. 3. To authorise the Head of Corporate Governance to enter into any legal documentation necessary to implement the new contract. |
Corporate Project Management update To receive a presentation on the new Corporate Project Management system. Minutes: The Programme Manager, Dan Dredge, gave a presentation on the new corporate project management site that demonstrated how projects would be managed, delivered, and reported on.
The committee noted the site seemed more user friendly than the current system and would be accessible to members.
The Committee resolved to note the Corporate Project Management update. |
Members ICT post 2023 election (being purchased in 2022) PDF 308 KB To consider recommending the purchase of 41 Surface Pros and approval of the continued optional one-off cash allowance of £200 for the 4-year term (equating to the equivalent of £50 per year) as a contribution towards broadband costs. Minutes: The committee considered a report requesting approval for the purchase of 41 Microsoft Surface Pro tablets and continuation of a £200 allowance for the four-year term as a contribution towards member broadband costs. The ICT Manager explained that members found the Microsoft tablets to be user friendly and more compatible with programmes used by the Council.
The committee expressed concern that members would not be allowed to keep their current tablet at the end of their term and believed this contradicted a previous cabinet decision. The committee also felt the allowance should be reviewed to help cover related costs. The committee requested the management team produce a report regarding the retention of issued tablets.
The Committee resolved 1. To approve the purchase of 41 Surface Pros and 2. That officers be asked to provide a report on the retention of devices at the end of councillors’ four year terms and the provision of allowances for incidental ICT related costs. |
Appointments to outside bodies for 2022-23 PDF 190 KB To consider and agree the appointments to outside bodies for 2022-23 municipal year as proposed by group leaders. Additional documents: Minutes: The committee considered nominations from group leaders to outside bodies as set out in the supplementary agenda.
The committee were informed that since publication, Councillor Sinead Mooney had become the sole nominee to A2Dominion Customer Insight Panel.
Two nominations had been received for Surrey Museums Consultative Committee: Councillor Richard Barratt and Councillor Tom Fidler. A vote was taken, and the committee resolved to appoint Councillor Richard Barratt as the representative to the Surrey Museums Consultative Committee.
Cllr Sandra Dunn revised her nomination for the Deputy Representative to Councillor Tom Fidler.
The committee resolved to appoint Cllr Tom Fidler as deputy representative to the Surrey Museums Consultative Committee.
The Committee resolved to appoint the remaining representatives and deputy representatives as set out in the supplementary agenda. |
To consider the Forward Plan for committee business.
Additional documents: Minutes: The Committee resolved to note the forward plan for future committee business. |